Listing 23 Search Results for "nonprofit"

Nonprofit Donation Form

A nonprofit donation form is a form template designed to help nonprofit organizations and professionals collect donations and inform donors about their campaigns.

Go to Category:Donation Forms

Nonprofit Partners Agreement Form

A nonprofit partnership agreement form is a legal document created by a not-for-profit organization to provide a written record of the terms of a partnership with another organization.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

NonProfit Donation Consent Template

A non-profit donation consent form is used by organizations to collect information about donor's causes they want to support. No coding!

Go to Category:Healthcare Forms

PayPal Nonprofit Donation Form

A PayPal Nonprofit Donation Form is a form template designed to help nonprofit organizations and professionals collect donations and inform donors about their campaigns.

Go to Category:Payment Forms

Non Profit Dinner RSVP Form

Collect RSVPs for your next charity dinner with this free Non-Profit Dinner RSVP Form. View responses on any device to save time and become more organized.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

Nonprofit Membership Form Template

A Nonprofit Membership Form Template is a form template designed to streamline the membership process for nonprofit organizations.

Go to Category:Membership Application Form Templates

Volunteer Application Form For Non Profit

Collect applications online with a free, online Volunteer Application Form for Non-Profit. Easy drag-and-drop customization. Embed in your website with no coding!

Go to Category:Application Forms

Stripe Nonprofit Donation Form

A Stripe Nonprofit Donation Form is a form template designed to help nonprofit organizations and professionals collect donations and inform donors about their campaigns.

Go to Category:Payment Forms

BlueSnap Nonprofit Donation Form

A BlueSnap Nonprofit Donation Form is a template designed to help nonprofit organizations and professionals collect donations and inform donors about their campaigns via the BlueSnap payment gateway.

Go to Category:BlueSnap Payment Forms

Donate For Nature

The Donate for Nature form template is designed to streamline the process of collecting donations for environmental conservation initiatives.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

In Kind Donation Form

An in-kind donation form is used to collect donations of goods, services, or volunteer time for a charity or nonprofit. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s more important than ever to organize in-kind donations to directly help those in need — so boost your audience and receive more donations online with this free In-Kind Donation Form.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

Donation Tracking Form

Track donations for your charity or nonprofit. Fill out on any device. Easy to customize and share. Manage donor details in Jotform Tables. Sync with 100+ apps.

Go to Category:Church Forms

Non Profit Eligibility Form

This short form makes it simple to determine eligibility for nonprofit care (medical, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc).

Go to Category:Charity Forms

Vendor Application For Non Profit

A Vendor Application for Non-profit Organizations is a form template designed to collect information from potential vendors or suppliers who want to provide goods or services to a non-profit organization.

Go to Category:Application Forms

Non Profit Donation Template WorldPay US

Publish this free donation form on your website to accept online donations with Worldpay US, a leading payment gateway in the U.S.

Go to Category:Business Forms

Charitable Request Form

For Businesses that need a way to track charitable donations and obtain the necessary information for donation tax write-offs.

Go to Category:Charity Forms

Fundraiser Referal Form

A Fundraiser Referral Form is a form template designed to streamline the process of collecting referrals for fundraisers and NGOs.

Go to Category:IT Forms

Ideas For Outreach

A form to collect ideas for an outreach event or activity.

Go to Category:Education Forms

Caring For Congregation & Community

Collect data from those who are in need of help, and those willing to offer assistance to the parish or the community, or in any capacity. Each option filters to a designated email address.

Go to Category:Survey Templates