Обрасци за објављивање фотографија
About Обрасци за објављивање фотографија
Образац за објављивање фотографија је потписан споразум између фотографа и клијента који описује како одређене фотографије могу бити кориштене, ко може да их користи и услове везане за права коришћења. Као фотограф, увери се да имаш дозволу да користиш своје фотографије тако што ћеш преузети потписан образац за објављивање фотографија пре снимања фотографија - са нашим бесплатним обрасцима, можеш брзо да сакупиш потребне информације. И уколико повежеш одабрани образац са PDF шаблоном, можеш аутоматски да генеришеш професионалне PDF документе и да их преузмеш или одштампаш за твоју евиденцију.
Веома је лако прилагодити изабрани шаблон обрасца за објављивање фотографија! Користи наш једноставан "превуци и пусти" интерфејс да би истако одређене услове и одредбе, додао свој лого и променио слику позадине. Такође можеш да прикупиш правно обавезујуће е-потписе, подесиш аутоматски одговор или интегришеш са независним апликацијама као што су Google Drive, Slack, Salesforce, или Airtable за додатно повећање продуктивности. Помоћу нашег избора бесплатних онлајн образаца за објављивање фотографија можеш брзо побољшати начин прикупљања и организовања података!
Често Постављана Питања
1) What are photo release forms?
Photo release forms, also known as photography release forms, are legal documents that are used to obtain permission from subjects or models about how photos of themselves can be shared or promoted. If a photographer wishes to use an individual’s likeness in photos or videos, they must establish agreed-upon terms and conditions with that individual — otherwise they could face legal repercussions. Photo release forms protect the rights of both the photographer and the person being photographed.
2) What are the benefits of photo release forms?
The primary benefit of using photo release forms is that they provide legal protection by obtaining informed consent from photo subjects — thereby reducing the risk of legal disputes or lawsuits related to image use. They also demonstrate professionalism and provide clarity for clients, since they outline terms and conditions to make sure all parties understand their rights. Lastly, these forms can be used across a business for purposes such as advertising, marketing, and content creation.
3) What are some use cases of photo release forms?
Photo release forms can be used in many different contexts of photography and videography, such as in advertising, branding, marketing, product promotion, etc. While they’re prevalent in commercial photography, they can also be used in editorial (for newspapers, magazines, or other publications), stock (for stock photo agencies), online content (for websites, social media, or blogs), or individual projects (for artists or photographers who want to distribute their work).
4) When are photo release forms needed?
Photo release forms are typically needed any time a photographer or company wants to use an individual’s likeness or property for promotional purposes. They need to agree on a set of terms and conditions with the photo subject to avoid potential legal issues that could arise with image use.
5) What are the subtypes of photo release forms?
There are photo release forms for any type of situation involving photo subjects. These include forms for the type of models being used, like adults or minors, or property, such as when a photo is taken on privately owned land. When a photographer is working with multiple individuals, all parties in the image may need to provide consent for group release. There are also photo release forms specific to where photos are going to be promoted or shared, whether that be on social media, in magazines or newspapers, in schools or hospitals, etc.
6) How do I create a photo release form?
Creating a photo release form is easy with Jotform’s handy drag-and-drop form builder. Just navigate to our Photo Release Form template directory, select a template you want to use, and customize it — no coding required. You can add or rearrange form fields, change fonts and colors, include elements of your personal branding, and so much more. You can also build your own form from scratch. Plus, connect with 100-plus popular third-party apps to streamline your data collection workflow even more.
When your form looks good to go, share it via email, link, QR code, or by embedding it in your website. It doesn’t get any easier than that!
Ови шаблони су само предложени обрасци. Пре употребе овог или било ког обрасца као уговора или другог правног документа, консултуј се са адвокатом да будеш сигуран да испуњава законске потребе или твоју ситуацију. Немој користити овај образац за слање правног захтева Jotform-у.