Explanation of Email Notification and Autoresponder Settings

May 3, 2024

Jotform can send email alerts when a respondent fills out your form. Notification can send emails to you or your specified recipients when someone fills out your form. By default, when you reply to a notification email, the message goes to the form filler’s email address. Autoresponder on the other hand emails the form filler after submission. When the receiver replies, the message goes to your email.

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Accessing Your Email Alerts

To view your email alerts

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Emails on the left.
Steps to access email alerts in Jotform

To learn more, see Notification and Autoresponder.

Notification and Autoresponder settings

While editing your notification or autoresponder, use the tabs at the top to view related settings.

The Notification's navigation tabs in Jotform Form Builder

Here are the available options:

  • Email — Customize your email’s subject line and content.
  • Recipients — Set the email information and destination.
    • Sender Name — The email’s “from” name.
    • Reply-To Email — The address where the message is when selecting “Reply” in email clients.
    • Recipient Email — The address where the message is sent after form submission.
  • Advanced — More options for your notification and autoresponder.
    • Send Email When — Triggers for sending your email.
    • Send Uploads as Attachment — Include files uploaded on your form in the email. For notifications only.
    • PDF Attachment — Include a PDF copy of the submission as an attachment.
    • Attach File — Attach a file to the email. For autoresponders only.
    • Send Email Later — Delay or schedule sending the email. For autoresponders only.
    • Hide Empty Fields — Exclude empty fields in your email when turned on.
    • Update Email — Stops auto email template generation when turned off.
    • Sender Email — Configure your notification or autoresponder to send emails using your SMTP server instead of Jotform’s servers. See Adding a Custom Sender Address and Setting Up SMTP to learn more.

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