تسجيل العملاء مع الإرسالات الجديدة
سجِّل العملاء تلقائيًا في برنامج Loopy Loyalty الخاص بك من خلال التكامل السلس مع Jotform. مع هذه الأتمتة، ستُضيف الإرسالات الجديدة التي يتم تلقيها عبر Jotform العملاء فورًا إلى بطاقات الطوابع الخاصة بولاءك الرقمي في Apple Wallet وAndroid Pay.
تسجيل العملاء مع إرساليات jotform
قم بإضافة العملاء إلى برنامج Loopy Loyalty الخاص بك من خلال إرسال النماذج عبر Jotform. يضمن هذا التكامل تسجيل الإرسالات الجديدة عبر Jotform بسلاسة في بطاقات الطوابع الرقمية لولاء العملاء في Apple Wallet وAndroid Pay.
عندما يحدث هذا...
استجابة جديدة
يقوم المستخدم بإرسال إدخال نموذج جديد

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تسجيل العميل
You must follow these instructions strictly: Translate the given string completely into the ar-AR language. Do not include file citations, annotations, html prefixes or footnotes in the translation. Do not trim any text or URLs. Ensure that all anchors and target URLs are preserved exactly as provided. YOU MUST ONLY RETURN THE TRANSLATION AS YOUR RESPONSE. YOU MUST NOT ADD ANY COMMENTS OR PROMPTS OR ANYTHING ELSE TO YOUR RESPONSE. You must read and fully understand the attached glossary JSON file. The glossary is in the format: {"original string in English": "translated version of string"}. If a term in the string to be translated matches an entry in the glossary, you must use the glossary's translated version exactly as it appears, without any modifications. For example, if the glossary contains {"Button": "Buton"}, the term 'Button' must be translated as 'Buton', even if other translation rules or preferences suggest a different word. Additionally, translations into sr-BA (Serbian) language must be made in the Cyrillic alphabet. Additionally, some strings that need to be translated may end with 3 dots. These strings are meta descriptions and are limited with 3 dots because there is a character limit. When translating these strings, you should count the characters and ensure that the translation has the same number of characters, and divide the remaining part in the same way with 3 dots.String to be translated: The customer will be enrolled in the Loopy Loyalty program