
Shared workspaces for team forms and data


Organize team assets in one place

Organize team assets in one place

Give each team an all-in-one workspace where members can access and edit all their forms and documents. Assets added to shared workspaces are owned by the entire team, eliminating duplicate effort and enabling seamless collaboration.

Create Team

Create a team

قم بإنشاء أي عدد من الفرق داخل مؤسستك.

Invite team members

Invite team members

Customize permission settings for each user to control who can view or edit your forms and data.

Start collaborating

Start collaborating

Build and share online forms to collect and manage data with your team.

تعاون مع أعضاء فريقك

Collaborate with your team members

Jotform Tables helps you organize, view, and manage data for seamless collaboration with colleagues and clients. Automate calculations, trigger workflows, and flow data where it needs to go. Generate reports, calendars, and easy-to-read cards in a click to suit your use case and management style.

أتمتة سير عمل فريقك

Automate your team’s workflow

Easily automate routine administrative tasks to reduce bottlenecks and save time. Build custom automated workflows by dragging and dropping forms, emails, e-signature documents, and approval requests to quickly process applications, tickets, permits, and more.

Customize team member access

Customize team member access

Structure your team roles to suit your organization’s workflows. Jotform Teams administrators can ensure all team members can access the assets they need to execute tasks efficiently. Use predefined roles in Jotform Teams to optimize team access quickly and keep sensitive information secure.

Solutions for every government entity

City governments

Digitize public forms for permit applications, community service sign-ups, public event planning, resident surveys, utility service requests, and more with Jotform Government. By automating these processes, cities can ensure a smooth and personalized user experience for residents.

City governments

County governments

Create streamlined workflows and digitize paperwork for county governments using Jotform Government. Enhance communication across departments with digital forms for permit applications, public feedback surveys, health and safety inspections, event registrations, park management, and more.

County governments

State agencies

Automate administrative tasks, data collection, and reporting with Jotform Government. Use it for grant applications, license renewals, policy compliance tracking, surveys, and interdepartmental communication. Jotform Government ensures that state agencies can confidently handle sensitive data and streamline their processes.

State agencies

المؤسسات التعليمية

Automate data management for universities and schools while ensuring compliance with funding requirements using Jotform Government. Streamline processes for student admissions, course registrations, staff attendance tracking, financial aid applications, and alumni surveys.

Educational institutions

Public health and safety organizations

Keep public health and safety organizations efficient and reliable with Jotform Government. Use it for incident reporting, emergency response forms, training registrations, checklists, health surveys, and patient forms. Ensure that sensitive information is protected while automating routine tasks, allowing your organization to focus more on keeping communities safe and healthy.

Public health and safety organizations

ما يقوله العملاء عن Jotform

  • تسهل فرق Jotform الحفاظ على مستنداتنا في مكان واحد بدلاً من أن يكون لكل عضو في الفريق نماذجه ومستنداته في مجلداته الخاصة المنفصلة. سيوفر ذلك الكثير من الوقت.

    Tevin Noel

    مدير أول تكنولوجيا المعلومات

    Tennessee State University

  • لقد كانت مزايا فرق Jotform ذات قيمة كبيرة بالنسبة لنا. لقد وفرت لنا الكثير من الوقت على عدة جهات. كما أنها زادت من معدل الامتثال لدينا من حوالي 20% إلى أكثر من 50%، مما جعل عمليات الصحة السلوكية لدينا أكثر كفاءة بشكل عام.

    Tillman Endsley

    نائب رئيس التخطيط

    One to One Health

  • مساحات العمل المشتركة في فريق Jotform تزيل عبء الصيانة الكبير عنّا وتمنحنا طريقة جديدة تمامًا لإنشاء وصيانة وتنظيم نماذج وبيانات عملائنا.

    Jessica Wessel

    مدير المنتج

    Grant Street Group

  • لقد تمكنت من إضافة جميع نماذج موقعنا الإلكتروني إلى مساحة عمل الفريق ودعوة بائع موقعنا الإلكتروني إلى هذا الفريق، حتى يتمكنوا من تحرير النماذج دون أي خطر من اطلاعهم على المعلومات الصحية المحمية الموجودة في بيانات إرسال النماذج.

    Kyle Krownapple

    أخصائي دعم التقنيات السمعية والبصرية وتقنيات التعاون

    The Village Network

  • إذا انتقل شخص ما إلى قسم آخر أو غادر منظمتنا بالكامل، فإن فرق Jotform تحافظ على وصول الفريق إلى النماذج والأصول ذات الصلة التي أنشأها ذلك الفرد دون الحاجة إلى نقل الملكية.

    Eric Blaser

    الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات
