Square FAQs

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  • What is Square payment?

    Square provides an API to connect with the applications and receive payments through the application interface. Your Square account can be connected to your Jotform directly and receive the payments from your users.

  • How do I take a payment with Square online?

    In order to accept payments online with Square, you need to first create a form, and then add the Square payment field. Afterwards, you can start to collect payments either from your website or through any other platform.

    If you are looking for detailed information about how you can integrate a form with Square

  • Can I use Square to accept payments on my website?

    Yes. You may connect your Square account to Jotform and embed the form on your website directly.

  • Is there a monthly fee for Square?

    There is no separate fee for Square transactions from Jotform end. All you need is to subscribe to a Jotform subscription plan as per your monthly requirement of receiving payments. You may need to pay the standard Square processing rate.

    Here are the rates: Square Processing Fees

  • Does Square accept Google Pay or Apple Pay?

    Yes. Whether you’re looking to collect payments for online orders, registrations, donations, or more, Square accepts Google Pay and Apple Pay payments. And if you connect Jotform and Square using our ready-made integration, you can gather form responses and process payments simultaneously from any device — without paying any extra transaction fees to Jotform.

  • How do I enable Google Pay and Apple pay through Jotform’s Square integration?

    Adding Google Pay and Apple Pay to your Square payment form is easy. To get started, open your form in the Jotform Form Builder and click the Add Form Elements button on the left side of the page. Next, go to the Payments tab and choose the Apple Pay & Google Pay integration to add it to your form. From the integration’s settings, you can select Square as your preferred option, authenticate your account, and customize the payment settings to finish setting up the integration.

  • Can I use Square for personal payments?

    You may use Square for receiving your personal payments. However, we request you to check with Square support for additional information on receiving personal payments (Individual use).

  • How long does it take for a Square transaction to go through?

    The Square transactions are instant and the successful payment shall reflect in your Square account immediately. However, the amount from Square account shall be sent to your linked account according to your transfer schedule.

  • Is Square or PayPal better?

    Please note that different users have different requirements in receiving the payments based on their number of transactions receiving, geological location, transaction fees, etc. You may check with both websites to compare.

    If you are interested in creating PayPal payment form, you can check out the referred page.

  • How do I add a Square payment form to my Wix website?

    If Square payment has already been configured on your form, you may add it to your Wix website by following the guide below:

    How to Add a Form to Wix website

  • Can I take payments over the phone with Square?

    The payments using Square connected to your Jotform is straightforward and easy to make the payment by the user. You may connect your Jotform to Square payment and let the user to make the payment directly. You’ll be required to submit the form by yourself with the customer information to take the payment over the phone.

    Looking for creating a mobile form? Please check out the referred page.

  • Is Square free for nonprofits?

    It doesn’t matter whether which form you need, with Jotform you can take advantage of 50% discount off any paid plans if you are a nonprofit organization. However, you may need to pay a small percentage of Square transaction fee. For details, please check out Square Fees.

  • Is Square safe for customers?

    Through Jotform Square Integration, you can secure your payment forms with PCI Level II compliance and 24/7 customer support. For more details, please check out Jotform and Square security policies.

    1. Jotform Security
    2. Square Security
  • How many payments I can receive with Square on a paid plan?

    There are no payment limits applicable when you integrate Jotform with Square. You can now accept up to 100 payments per month for FREE with Jotform. And if you’re on a paid plan, your payment limits now equal your submission limits. Check out our post on square payment limit update, for more.

  • Can I set up recurring payments with Square?

    You may also receive recurring payments with Square gateway by using the Sell Subscriptions payment type in the integration wizard. For more detailed information, please visit our guide on Square recurring payments.

  • How do I manage and cancel the subscriptions (recurring payments) paid with Square?

    The subscriptions paid by your customers can be cancelled from the Square Dashboard or from the email received for the recurring payment. Please visit our guide for detailed instructions.

  • Can I also integrate with POS or Square Reader?

    No. It is not possible to connect to POS/Square reader with the Square integration.

  • Can I charge the user later?

    Yes. It is possible to enable the payment authorization in the payment wizard to charge the user later. However, the authorized transaction from the user is valid only up to 6 days. After 6 days, it is required to ask your customer to re-authorize the transaction to capture payment by submitting the form again. This is a restriction for all Square transactions.

  • Can you invoice through Square?

    Though invoicing with Square is possible directly, we are sorry that the feature is not available yet as a direct integration with Jotform. We strive continuously to add more features to our product and Square Invoicing is also in our to-do list.

  • How do I benefit using Square with Jotform?

    Square is a brand that Jotform customers trust. We have several users integrated with Square integration to their forms and they are very happy with their decision. You may check our case studies with a famous tattoo artist in LA and a popular dentist in San Francisco to see how they’re leveraging Jotform and Square to collect payments for their businesses.

  • What is an ACH payment?

    An ACH payment is an electronic transfer of funds between two bank accounts via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network. ACH bank transfers are a great way to securely transfer funds from one bank account to another. This type of payment method is often used for paychecks, rent payments, tax refunds, online bills, and more.

  • How do you accept ACH payments with Square?

    To accept ACH payments with Square, create a new invoice in Square and select ACH as a payment option for your customers. Your customers will be redirected during checkout to log into their bank account and select an account to pay you with. After your customers pay, you’ll be able to access your funds within three to five business days.

  • Are ACH payments safe?

    Yes, ACH payments are safe to use and are more secure than wire transfers and debit card payments.

  • How can I create a Square ACH payment form?

    To create your own Square ACH payment form, log into your Jotform account. Click on Create Form and select whether you’d like to create your form from scratch or use one of our ready-made payment form templates. Use Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder to customize your payment form, then go to Form Elements, click the Payments tab, and select Square as your payment option. Log into your Square account to connect it to your form. Finally, select ACH Bank Transfer under the Square Integration settings to enable ACH payments for your form users.

  • How long do Square ACH payments take?

    Square ACH payments are usually processed in three to five business days.

  • How much does Square charge for ACH payments?

    Square charges 1% per ACH transaction and a minimum of $1 per transaction.

  • What is buy now, pay later?

    Buy now, pay later is a short-term payment option that allows customers to purchase items in installments, usually four payments over the course of a few weeks.

  • Does Square have a pay later option?

    Yes, you can enable Afterpay on your Square account. Afterpay allows your customers to pay in four installments over the course of six weeks.

  • How does Square’s buy now, pay later work?

    After you enable Afterpay on your Square account, your customers will be able to select Afterpay as their preferred payment method on your checkout page. Your customers will be required to pay their first installment up front. After that, they will need to pay three more installments, one due every two weeks from the original purchase date. While your customers will pay over time, you’ll be paid the full amount at the time of the first installment, minus the transaction fee.

  • How can I add buy now, pay later as a payment option to my payment form?

    To add Square’s buy now, pay later option to your payment form, start by using Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder to make any design or content adjustments to your form. Next, go to Form Elements, click the Payments tab, and select Square as your payment option. Log into your Square account to connect it to your form. Finally, select Afterpay under the Square Integration settings to enable a buy now, pay later payment option for your form.