Adding Mailchimp Subscribers to Interest Groups

December 6, 2023

Groups are useful for building list segments for sending to target audiences. With Jotform’s Mailchimp integration, you can select the groups or let form users select their groups from your form.

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The integration will only display the Interest Groups if you’ve already added them through your MailChimp audience settings. Click here for more details.

Select Groups for Subscribers

When you choose this option, the integration will display all groups under their respective category. Select the groups, and that’s it!


Let Subscribers Select Their Groups

Before selecting this option, you must ensure that the groups are part of your form as separate fields. The labels need not be the same as the groups’ category labels. However, the options should be the same.

You should use the Multiple Choice element if it’s a checkbox from Mailchimp. Otherwise, use the Single Choice or Dropdown element. It is also possible to use fields that produce a single value, like a short entry field or even a calculation widget.

After adding the fields, set up the mapping in the integration settings. Here’s an example of that:


Please don’t forget to save the changes before closing the form builder.

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