Security and privacy are Jotform’s utmost priority in form building and data collection — two reasons why Jotform complies with various industry standards and regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA. Visit our Security page to learn more.
Jotform also has Form Encryption, which you can enable. This further safeguards sensitive information in your forms. It’s a type of end-to-end encryption, a security measure that guarantees privacy by encrypting your form data when your form users fill it out and submit it.
However, utilizing form encryption has some catches, as some features in the Form Builder will become unavailable once you enable it in the form. Here is the list:
Enabling Form Encryption in the Form Builder
If you wish to proceed, follow the steps below to enable Form Encryption.
- In the Form Builder, go to the Settings tab.
- Look for Encrypt Form Data and toggle it to Yes.
In the background, the form will scan for unsupported features. If it finds one, it will tell you that and ask you to keep or disable it before you can proceed to the verification. To proceed, you must choose to disable the features. Otherwise, you can’t enable Form Encryption.
- Verify your account through Gmail or Facebook or enter your Jotform account password.
- At this step, you must provide an Access Code for the form. You can input up to 16 characters.
The Access Code you enter is for the current form alone. This means you will be asked for another access code when you enable Form Encryption on other forms.
- Finally, click the Enable Encryption button. You’ll get a confirmation, and it should be done. Your form is now fully encrypted.
Decrypting Form to Access Submissions
You can decrypt your form through Jotform Tables and Jotform Inbox. You’ll only do this once unless you access your data on a new browser. To decrypt
- Access Jotform Tables or Jotform Inbox.
- Enter your access code.
- Click the Access button, and that’s it. You should now be able to view your form data.
Encrypting Form Submissions
To ensure security, you can encrypt the data before closing the page. To do so, click the Encrypt Entries button on which page you access the submissions; Jotform Tables or Jotform Inbox.
What Happens if You Forget Your Access Code?
Encrypted Forms use end-to-end encryption, which means your access code is encrypted on Jotform’s end. Since it’s encrypted, we won’t be able to access your data, so if you forget your access code, your data is considered lost. We recommend storing your access code in a safe place or creating an access code that’s easy to remember.
Are you looking for the form encryption using a key? Please visit Encrypted Forms with Local Key File guide.
Send Comment:
9 days ago
How do I access the code to review my submissions?
11 days ago
dear/sr. how are you, well, i am using jotform platform but it asks me access code,so how can i got it please
12 days ago
Hi I forgot my access code how do I reset it
15 days ago
i forgit my Forget my Access Code
20 days ago
i forgot ease of access
31 days ago
No recuerdo mi código de acceso
32 days ago
Hi there , why can you not have this on a sign form? The signing is a really important part and now i dont know how to get around this?
37 days ago
My encryption button is missing. Please reply to
52 days ago
Can’t remember my access code
54 days ago
Please help me view my submissions, I can't recall the access code or something is wrong with the Form not accepting my Access Code
55 days ago
I've incorrectly typed in an incorrect encryption code I think, I don't understand why you don't ensure it is typed in twice to stop this happening?!!
60 days ago
The passcode I set up is not working?
95 days ago
There isn't an "encrypt form data" in my form settings. Was it moved since this video was made?
96 days ago
I did not encrypt my form, now I don't have access to my forms bc I need an access code.
105 days ago
I'm sorry, but my website just went up live with a Jotform contact form. I don't recall creating an access code, and I have a submission, but can't access it. Is there any way to retrieve this data? I will plan to recreate the form and make sure I save the access code, unless there is a way to retrieve that also. Thank you.
105 days ago
J'ai besoin de réinitialiser mon code d'accès au formulaire
112 days ago
reset access code
121 days ago
En una App Jotform: ¿Qué escrito debo poner para notificar la protección de datos personales, de acuerdo con la ley correspondiente en México?
¡O cuál es el mecanismo que debo seguir en Jotform, para dejar de manifiesto este escrito?
In a Jotform App: What document should I put to notify the protection of personal data, according to the corresponding law in Mexico?
Or what is the mechanism that I must follow in Jotform, to make this document clear?
123 days ago
I need to reset my access code
123 days ago
I need to reset my access code
124 days ago
I forgot my encryption code.
125 days ago
I have my access code and it keeps saying its not valid. I know its right I wrote it down, how do I access my forms?
128 days ago
How do I get a new encryption code?
145 days ago
If you forget your access code for encrypted forms, how can you find the access code.
How can I find my access code?
150 days ago
I forgot my encrypted key is there anyway to recover it