You can easily clone forms in your account whenever you need a backup, a duplicate, or a starting point for a new project. Cloning is useful if you want to keep the same design, settings, and layout across multiple forms without rebuilding them from scratch. It’s also a quick way to update an old form for a new purpose while keeping most of the original structure intact.
You can clone a form in your account in just a few easy steps. Here’s how to do it:
- On your My Workspace page, click on Type at the top of the page, and in the Dropdown menu that opens, uncheck the boxes next to all the assets except Forms, so only they’ll be shown on the page.
- Now, hover your mouse over the form you want to clone, and click on More on the right side of the page.
- Then, in the Dropdown menu, under the Form column, click on Clone.
This creates a new form in your account and redirects you to Form Builder, where you can Customize the Style, Set up the Fields, and Configure the Settings.
- Cloning a form creates a new one, which counts toward your account’s Form Count Limit. The cloned form is an exact copy of the original but works independently, so any changes you make won’t affect the original.
- When you clone a form from another account, everything related to the form itself is copied, including the logo, basic fields, payment fields, widgets, pages, sections, color, style, theme, and layout.
- Most form settings are also copied, such as the Conditionally Enabled Form Status, Form Warnings, Form Languages, Password Protection, Auto-Delete Submissions, Save and Continue Later, Unique Submission, Unique Field, Form Accessibility, Page Title, Clear Hidden Field Values, Highlight Effect, Form Layout, Show Error Navigation, Prevent Cloning, and Allow Browser Autocomplete. Encryption is automatically disabled.
- Notification and Autoresponder Emails, along with their subject, content, recipients, and other settings, are copied as they are. Conditions, Thank-You Page settings, Jotform Sign Automation setup, Workflows, Fillable PDFs, and PDF Documents are also copied, but integrations, prefills, and reports are not.
- Third-party accounts connected to widgets are disconnected, while payment gateways remain connected to payment processing fields in the cloned form.
- Form submission data aren’t copied when you clone a form. To copy submissions to the cloned form, export them from the original form and import them into the new one. For details, check out our guides on How to Export Your Form Data to Excel and Import Data: Easily Import Your Excel or CSV Data Into Jotform.
- The cloned form keeps the same name as the original but is prefixed with “Clone of.” If you need to rename it, check our guide on How to Rename Your Form.
Cloning via Import Form
Another way to clone a form in your account is through the Import Form feature of your My Workspace page. Here’s how to do it:
- On your My Workspace page, click on Create on the top-left side of the screen.
- In the window that opens up, click on Form.
- Now, click on Import Form.
- Then, click on Clone Your Existing Form.
- Now, on the Clone Your Existing Form page that opens, select the form you want to clone and then click on Create Form at the bottom. Use the Search bar at the top of the form list to find a specific one easily.
That’s it! This creates a clone of that form in your account and redirects you to Form Builder.
Pro Tip
Using the Import Form feature, you can clone forms from the Trash folder of your Workspace without restoring them first.
Send Comment:
93 days ago
Urgent attention, I am unable to either use the Clone function or Import function to copy/clone one of the forms I need to create. Please assist as this has been going on for over a week and need to get my form completed. I hope you can assist and look forward to hearing back from you soon.
283 days ago
Being able to clone a form and keep the reports intact seems to be a vital feature that is missing.
More than a year ago
Any answer to how to change the title? After cloning, the HTML title remains the same as the form that was cloned
More than a year ago
After cloning the form, the name on the browser tab stays the old one. How can I change that?
More than a year ago
After you clone a form and make changes, how do you save changes made, such as the wording in the email and who the email is returned to? I have to change this every time I want to send out a form.
More than a year ago
is their a phone number to reach someone
More than a year ago
I set up a personal account to use as a trial and created a form. I now want to use that form as a starting point on a different account. Can I share my form with the other account so I can pick up where I left off without starting from scratch?
More than a year ago
Can you clone a form specifically to create a new version of it? Or will that mess up the new form by always looking back to the old one? I want to create a parent version of a student form, they are similar but not identical. Cloning might save me some time.
More than a year ago
Can i clone a form and change or update the original pdf link to it?
More than a year ago
The cloning feature is a bit odd.... I want to COPY a form but not have the changes reflected back to the form I copied. It would be nice if there were a menu option for this.
More than a year ago
I need to clone a form with all the Submissions of the main form.
How can I do it?
Thank you
More than a year ago
Can I export a cloned form to another person by email? OR Can another person import a cloned form from my account by email?
More than a year ago
Hey guys, would love to see a feature to clone multiple forms at once. Similar to if you were to copy a folder on your computer that has 12 files in it, I'd love to be able to copy a folder of pre-existing forms.
More than a year ago
I use the clone form method, then change the form name at the very top and in the header, all the necessary information, but when a client opens the form the internet tab still shows the old "cloned form" name. How can I fix this?
More than a year ago
I have cloned a form but the tab in my browser is still saying the same thing as the form that I cloned. I have cleared the form cache but that hasn't made any difference. How can I change this?
More than a year ago
I have to clone a couple of my forms and I need also all the Conditions and Intergations to be cloned! it seems thsi is not possibile. Can you help me? Would it be possible to clone a form with all the settings, condiziotns, and INTERGATIONS (with Salesforce in my acse)?
More than a year ago
I have a multiple page check lists (12 individual checklists) under one file with conditional logic. I need to clone just one check list from the 12 into a new folder . How can I do this?
More than a year ago
I would like to clone a form on my laptop in word. Is this possible?
More than a year ago
When I clone a form and publish it the link shows "Clone of"...... I cant seem to get that out of the title. I went into the settings and change the title for the url for the form but it still shows it when I publish the link.
More than a year ago
Okay, I have cloned a clone... now how to change the name? do I have to publish it first?
More than a year ago
Ich habe beide Varianten versucht, leider ohne Erfolg ?
Auch neue Formulare erhalte ich seit neustem immer mit dem selben unbrauchbaren Layout. Ich kann kein leeres Formular vernünftig aufbauen. Es generiert mir neue Felder und sofort auch neue Seiten.
Bestehende Seiten duplizieren funktioniert auch nicht mehr?
Danke für die Hilfe
More than a year ago
so ,what benefit this website
More than a year ago
When I clone a form the form does not look the same as the original. The margins are all red and I get this message at the top: This form component is not available for this form layout. I don't understand it I'm cloning a form I already have.
More than a year ago
I cloned a form. However every time someone submits the form the email has the original forms title. How do I edit the email title?
More than a year ago
Even after renaming a form and changing the title it still has the original forms name in the browser tab and email notifications have the original form as well. How do I change that if re-naming doesn't work.