How to Integrate Stripe With Jotform

December 7, 2023

Stripe is a popular payment processing platform that allows businesses and individuals to quickly and securely accept payments online. Since its founding, Stripe has quickly become one of the world’s most widely used payment platforms, with thousands of businesses of all sizes relying on its services to process transactions.

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Jotform now brings the power of Stripe to your forms. Jotform’s Stripe integration lets you create a professional-looking credit card form in minutes. You can use the integration to accept payments for your products or services or set it up for collecting donations for your charity. You can also configure Stripe to process recurring billings.

Integrating Stripe with your form is relatively easy! Let’s start!

Adding and Setting up Stripe Integration

Create a new or edit an existing form and follow the steps below to integrate Stripe into your form.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Search and click Stripe. You can also drag and drop it to the form to add.
Jotform Form Builder with steps to click on Add Form Element button, Payments tab, and Stripe payment gateway
  1. In the Payment Settings, you must choose the Mode first. This option determines the type of Stripe account you’re using. Live means your registered and activated Stripe business. Test means your Stripe sandbox account. Switching modes requires you to connect again.
  2. Now that you’ve chosen the Mode, click the Connect button and connect your Stripe account. Once connected, the button will display as Connected.
  3. Set up the other Stripe options accordingly:
    • Currency — Stripe supports multiple currencies. See Supported Currencies for more details. The prices and amounts displayed on the form are based on the selected currency.
    • Enable 1-Click Checkout with LinkLink lets you save and autofill your payment information on your next purchases through Link-enabled sites. Scroll below for more details.
    • Payment Type — With Stripe, you can sell products or subscriptions, collect donations, or allow user-defined amounts.
Stripe Payment Settings showing the connect button, and dropdowns for the Mode, Currency, and Payment Type with the toggle to enable 1-Click checkout with Link


When you add Stripe, its Payment Settings will automatically open. If not, click the Wand icon to open it.

Under the Additional Gateway Settings, you can set up a few additional options, which include the following:

  • Ask Billing Information to Customer — When toggled to Yes, you can select which field to be the customer email, billing & shipping addresses, phone, and a custom field. These details are sent to Stripe.
  • Send Email to Customer — Automatically email the customer when 3D Secure authentication problems occur in the form.
  • Create Stripe Customer Record — Choosing For Each Unique Customer option means Stripe will only store one customer record regardless of how many times they submit the form. The For Each Submission option means Stripe will record each submission, which creates a duplicate for the same customer who submits the form.
  • Charge Customer Immediately — Stripe supports Payment Authorization. Toggle this to No if you want to charge customers at a later date.
Additional Gateway Settings of the Stripe integration which shows the toggle for billing information, and dropdown selectors for send email to customer, create stripe customer record and the charge customer immediately
  1. If you’ve selected Sell Products or Sell Subscriptions from the Payment Type, scroll down and click the Continue button to add your product or subscription items. If it’s the others, click the Save button to complete the integration.

See also:

Link works like MasterPass. You can save your credit card details on Link and use them on other Link-enabled websites without entering your card details again. You only need to enter your registered Link email address, verify it through SMS or Email, and pay with your saved payment details from Link.

To pay with Link, click the Secure, 1-click checkout with Link.

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Link will automatically determine if you’ve already registered your email address with them or if you need to create an account. If you’re not yet registered with Link, it will ask you to provide other details, such as your Phone Number and Full Name, along with the card details. You must submit the form to complete the payment and create your Link account.

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If you’ve already registered with Link, it will ask you to verify your account through Phone (default) or Email, as shown in the image below:

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After verifying your Link account, you will see your default payment method. You can now submit the form to complete your payment.

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Clicking the Change text on the right side of the default payment method allows you to use a different card saved on your Link account or add a new payment method. You can also log out if you wish to.

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For a quick demo, visit Link Checkout.

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