Email Logic

Send custom emails to your form users based on their responses. With Jotform’s email logic feature, you can automatically send personalized emails to people who fill in your forms — to ensure you’re giving them the information they want and need.



10,000+ Free Form Templates

Start with a ready-made form template and set up email logic to send personalized confirmation emails to the right people. Easy to customize in just a few clicks.


Template application-for-professional-development-private-1
Template application-for-professional-development-private-1

Onboarding Form

Template conditional-logic-for-email-logics-page-private-1
Template conditional-logic-for-email-logics-page-private-1

Site Inspection

Template 2020-site-visit-private-1
Template 2020-site-visit-private-1


Instantly Email Logic Forms

Send Customized Emails Automatically

Instantly send custom emails based on the answers submitted by form users. Personalize responses by adding unique contact details, event details, itinerary times, and more.

Speed Up Your Workflow

No need to customize and send emails by hand — our email response logic can do it for you. It’s easy to set up conditional logic to send emails based on user responses. By reducing the time spent sorting out logistics, you can focus instead on what matters most.

Mobile-Friendly Online Forms

Not only are our forms mobile-friendly for those filling out a form, but our free mobile app, Jotform Mobile Forms, also lets you view and manage your forms and form submissions on the go — even offline!


Mitä käyttäjämme sanovat Jotform-palvelusta

Jotform on uskomattoman kätevä työkalu web design -tiimeille. Käytämme JotFormia niin asiakkaillemme kuin yrityksen sisäisesti. Jotform tukee asiakkaidemme lomakkeiden ominaisuusvaatimuksia tinkimättä ulkonäöstä. Lisäksi integraatiot ja automaatiot säästävät huomattavasti aikaa. Voimme muokata lomakkeita ja ominaisuuksia vapaasti niinkuin haluamme. Voimme jopa muokata sähköposteja omalla HTML-koodillamme. Olemme käyttäneet muitakin palveluja vuosen aikana, mutta ne eivät ole verrattavissa Jotformiin, joka kehittyy koko ajan. Jotform, jatka samaan malliin!

Andrew Jones, Web Designer, UpEngine

How to Use Jotform's Email Logic Feature for Personalized Emails
