How to Send an Email Based on a User's Answer

May 4, 2024

If you need to send emails conditionally, you can use the Change E-mail Recipient conditional logic. It changes or overrides the Notification or Autoresponder’s original recipients and then sends the email when triggered.

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For example, conditional logic is applied to the “Would you like to join our mailing list?” question in this example form which sends different emails based on the form filler’s answer.

The *Would you like to join our mailing list?* question in Jotform Form Builder

Creating Your Email Alerts

To create your email templates

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Email on the left.
  3. Create a Notification or Autoresponder.
Steps to access email alerts in Jotform Form Builder
Email templates for “yes” and “no” answers.

Setting Up Conditional Logic

Once your email templates are ready, the next step is to set up conditional logic:

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Settings at the top.
  2. Select Conditions on the left.
  3. Add a new Change E-mail Recipient condition.
Steps to create a Change E-mail Recipient condition in Jotform Form Builder
  1. On the next page, configure your conditional logic.
  2. Select Save at the bottom when finished.
    A Change E-mail Recipient condition in Jotform Form Builder

    Repeat the process for your other conditions. In this example form, the conditional logic for “Yes” is as follows:

    • If: Would you like to join our mailing list?
    • State: Is Equal To
    • Value: Yes
    • Send: Notification (Yes)
    • Email:
    • Send: Autoresponder (Yes)
    • Email: {email}

    The example above will send the Notification (Yes) and Autoresponder (Yes) emails to the defined recipients if a form filler answers “Yes” to the “Would you like to join our mailing list?” question.



    • You can enter the email address or the Email element’s tag or unique name as the recipient.
    • Paid accounts can enter comma-separated email addresses and email tags for multiple recipients.
    • Starter plan users can create up to three Change E-mail Recipient conditions on a form — unlimited for paid plans.

    Email alerts with a conditional logic will show the Includes Condition icon.

    The *Includes Condition* icon in Jotform Form Builder's email alerts
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    Adding Conditional Logic Elements

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