The idea is for administrators to have an option to set the real status of the workflow based on the log.

  • Recursos_humanos688
    Fecha de consulta 10 de noviembre de 2023, 21:00
    The idea is for administrators to have an option to set the real status of the workflow based on the log.
  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 10 de noviembre de 2023, 21:00

    Hi Recursos_recursoshumanos688,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. If you want the option for the approvers to manually update the Approval status directly on the Tables page. This is possible by adding the approver as a collaborator on the form.

    1. On the Jotform Tables page, click on the Share button.

    2. Click on Share Settings and select Private Table, so only people you invite will be able to see your Tables. You can set the default role of the invitation link as Collaborator. Let me explain the difference between those:

    • Read Only means that only people you invite will be able to see your Tables.
    • Collaborator means that anyone you invite will be able to see and edit the data, but they won't be able to adjust or change the table settings.

    3. Now, use the Generated Link or the Invite by Email feature to invite people.

    The idea is for administrators to have an option to set the real status of the workflow based on the log.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.