BonificaFecha de consulta 6 de noviembre de 2024, 6:50
Buenos días,
Estamos teniendo problemas al recibir la documentación del formulario llamado: Envío de documentación - Autogestión
Tenemos una integración con OneDrive en este y otros formularios.
Nuestros clientes están cumplimentando el formulario y adjuntando documentación. Normalmente lo recibimos correctamente en nuestra carpeta integrada de OneDrive. Sin embargo, ahora recibimos el pdf resumen en el que se detalla que el cliente cumplimentó el formulario y los archivos pdf que adjuntan, pero sin embargo no entra ninguna documentación.
Sólo si entramos en vuestra web y vamos a tablas vemos la documentación adjunta.
Hemos comprobado nuestro OneDrive y funciona.
Sabéis si hay algún problema con vuestra integración con OneDrive?
Cyrus Jotform SupportFecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2024, 9:32
Hi Bonifica,
Our Spanish Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Spanish, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question, when I cloned and tested your form, everything worked the way it was supposed to. Take a look at the screencast below to see my results:
Could you share a screenshot of the correct documentation you were receiving in the past before the issue occurred? I just want to make sure we're on the same page. In the meantime, I've gone ahead and cleared your form cache, as old cache and cookies can sometimes cause these kinds of issues. Also, let me show you how to post a screenshot to our Support Forum:
1. On the Support Forum page, scroll down to the Your Answer section and click on the Image icon.
2. Drag and drop your image into the Upload box, or click on it and select your file.
3. Then, click on the Add button in the bottom-right corner of the window.
4. To resize it, click on your screenshot and then click on one of the boxes in the corners, and drag it inward.
5. Once you're finished, click on the Post Answer button at the bottom right of the Your Answer section.
BonificaFecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2024, 10:43
Hi Cyrus,
The problem is:
Once a client sent the form with some attached files, they are supposed to be on your Jotform Table (they are OK) and they also should be on the OneDrive. We used your integration option and everything went well until yesterday and today.
OneDrive only shows a submission PDF to OneDrive and nothing else. The attached files don't appear.
I attached some screenshots to show the problem.
I hope they are useful.
Please, let me know how to solve it.
Filip_AFecha de respuesta 6 de noviembre de 2024, 13:17
Hi Bonifica,
From the screenshot you have sent to us, I can see that you need to upgrade to the newest version of the integration.
Can you go ahead and upgrade and then check if the issue persists?
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
EstherFecha de respuesta 18 de noviembre de 2024, 5:54
Buenos días,
He actualizado la integración con Onedrive y ahora parece funcionar todo correctamente.
Si tuviera algún problema adicional me pondría de nuevo en contacto con vosotros.