Fields not showing on Thank you Page

  • arnau91garcia
    Fecha de consulta 14 de agosto de 2024, 3:47
     Funcionamiento de las condiciones Image 1 Screenshot 50 Screenshot 10Funcionamiento de las condiciones Image 2 Screenshot 61 Screenshot 21Funcionamiento de las condiciones Image 3 Screenshot 72 Screenshot 32Funcionamiento de las condiciones Image 4 Screenshot 83 Screenshot 43

    Now I have another problem! On the confirmation page, the result obtained from the questionnaire should appear in the boxes (short text) "Resultado Min" and "Resultado Max" whose unique name is "resultadoMin" and "resultadoMax" is this name that I use to assign it on the confirmation page, as seen in the image, but I can't get it to show up when testing. Any idea what may be happening? Thank you so much

    P.S. Those fields are hidden in the form because I don't want them to be seen before clicking on "Calculate."

  • Eiron_O Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 14 de agosto de 2024, 4:06

    Hi Arnau,

    I've cloned and tested the form to replicate the issue, but the fields seem to be showing on the thank-you page:

    Fields not showing on Thank you Page Image 1 Screenshot 40

    I checked the fields Resultado Min, and Resultado Max fields, and they both have conditions linked to them. See screenshots;

    Conditions for Resultado Min:

    Fields not showing on Thank you Page Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Conditions for Resultado Max:

    Fields not showing on Thank you Page Image 3 Screenshot 62

    Do note that if these conditions aren't met, the fields will be blank, which will reflect on the Thank You page as blank. Since I was not able to replicate the issue, can you provide more information on how we can replicate it, so we can better understand what's happening? Make sure that you meet the conditions set to the fields, so the results will show on the thank you page.

    Keep us updated and let us know if you need any more help.