The 9 best WordPress plug-ins for service providers

No matter what you sell or how long you’ve been in business, you need an impressive website to cultivate leads for your services. Websites help legitimize your business, boost brand awareness, inform site visitors of your services and rates, and offer quick and convenient ways to schedule service appointments.

WordPress is one of the best website builders on the market. In addition to being easy to use, WordPress also comes equipped with more than 60,000 plug-ins to help enhance your website. You can use plug-ins to better protect your site, add popups or customer forms, and rank higher in search results, to name a few options.

Here are the nine best WordPress plug-ins for service providers.

1. WP Simple Pay

Screenshot of WP Simple Pay

Whether you’re a lawyer, plumber, or dog walker, you need an online payment processing solution you can trust. WP Simple Pay connects popular payment tool Stripe with your WordPress site, allowing you to accept credit card payments as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. Not only is this plug-in easy to use, but it’s also SCA-ready and PCI DSS-compliant for safe, secure transactions.

2. Jotform

Online form builder Jotform is a fully customizable platform that lets users create online forms, tables, PDFs, apps, and stores. With the Jotform Online Forms WordPress plug-in, you can easily and securely embed online forms — like a customer contact form — into your WordPress website.

Another popular Jotform plug-in for your online forms, Jotform Feedback Button, helps you both customize and display feedback buttons on your website. These buttons can lead your customers to your preferred service evaluation or feedback form so you can gain insight into what’s working — and what’s not — with your business.

3. OptinMonster

Screenshot of Optinmonster

Though website popups can be incredibly annoying for site visitors, they do work as a way to capture leads. Popups boost email subscription rates and turn browsers into buyers, especially if you use a popup builder like OptinMonster. As one of the most popular WordPress plug-ins for service providers, OptinMonster helps you build fun, interactive popups — like sticky bars and spin-to-win coupon wheels — to impress and engage your prospects.

4. MonsterInsights

Screenshot of MonsterInsights

Are you struggling to gain traction on your business website? Google Analytics for WordPress plug-in MonsterInsights can tell you how your customers are both finding and using your site, which can help you increase traffic and sales. With MonsterInsights, you can learn which devices your visitors are predominantly using, where they live, and which website pages they’re clicking on — all from one powerful, customizable WordPress dashboard.

5. All in One SEO

Screenshot of All In one seo

If customers can’t find you online, your business will suffer. Fortunately, a WordPress plug-in for service providers like All in One SEO — which boasts more than 3 million website owners as users — gives you the tools you need to rank higher in search engine results and receive more traffic. This plug-in also integrates with popular social media platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) to expand your brand reach.

6. UpdraftPlus

Screenshot of Updraftplus

Has someone ever hacked your website, or has your computer ever crashed? Then you know the importance of backing up your files, whether they’re stored on Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. With the scheduled backup plug-in UpdraftPlus, you can back up your files to the cloud — and restore them — in seconds.

7. Akismet

Screenshot of Akismet

Once your impressive WordPress site is up and running and you’re providing services and engaging with customers, the last thing you want is for malware to damage all your hard work. Luckily, you can protect your site with Akismet, another great tool that makes our list of WordPress plug-in for service providers. By automatically flagging any web page comments and form submissions that look like spam, Akismet can help keep your site safe from disruptive, malicious content.

8. PushEngage

Screenshot of Pushengage

Over 10,000 companies around the world trust the PushEngage plug-in to help them re-engage customers with push notifications. After your customers subscribe to this feature, they’ll receive push notifications every time you publish a new blog post, for example, or when you release a product that matches their interests.

9. Constant Contact

Screenshot of constant contact

The more effectively your website can capture customer contact information, the easier it’ll be for you to find and engage new leads, which is why Constant Contact is one of the most popular WordPress plug-ins for service providers.

Constant Contact’s user-friendly, drag-and-drop functionality and hundreds of premade templates help you create and embed signup forms into your WordPress website. Once visitors submit a signup form, their captured email address will automatically be entered into your Constant Contact email list of choice for quick, targeted customer engagement.

There are WordPress plug-ins to enhance all aspects of your WordPress site — from security to functionality. A fast, modern website (one that lets your customers book and pay for services, for example) takes administrative tasks off your plate. That frees you up to complete more jobs, spread the word about your business, and, ultimately, make more money.

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