10 form templates to tackle the coronavirus

10 form templates to tackle the coronavirus

Everyone plays a role in combating the novel coronavirus and the disease that it causes, COVID-19.

For our part, we want to help government leaders, healthcare professionals, nonprofit organizations, and other frontline workers throughout the world fight an invisible war that knows no bounds or borders.

To get an idea of what frontline workers need the most during this time, we took a look at dozens of online forms Jotform users have created in the wake of the global pandemic. We then created new versions of those forms, with the help of our talented designers, and compiled a list of existing forms to create a curated form template gallery dedicated to coronavirus response forms.

Just so you know

You’ve got your medical toolkit ready to help those in need — but what about your telemedicine toolkit? With Jotform’s HIPAA-friendly telehealth platform, you can easily create online medical forms that keep sensitive health data safe.

Your time is valuable, and having more of it can make a big difference when you’re tasked with saving lives. Online forms eliminate the need to keep track of paper forms, decipher someone’s handwriting, and manually enter data into your system. Jotform’s integrations, meanwhile, ensure collected information is delivered to other software tools that play a critical part in your overall workflow.

Our form template gallery for coronavirus-related forms can also give you a head start on the data-collection process by reducing the amount of time needed to formulate questions, as well as design forms and assign them to team members.

With more time on your side and important information within reach, we at Jotform hope that you can spend less time collecting data and focus more meaningful work: helping people, saving lives, and nipping coronavirus in the bud.

Just so you know…

Jotform is providing frontline workers, particularly those in the healthcare, government, and nonprofit fields, with unlimited access to our full suite of data-collection tools while you’re tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Our special, free Coronavirus Responder Program lifts all of the restrictions and limits typically tied to Jotform plans. Check our blog to learn more about the Coronavirus Responder Program and whether you may qualify for it.

  1. Screening checklist for visitors and employees

  2. It’s standard for people to check in and enter their name into a visitor’s log before entering an office, workplace, hospital, medical clinic, or other building.

    But as efforts to eliminate the spread of coronavirus ramp up, you may also need to know whether visitors are washing their hands, following other public health guidelines, and exhibiting symptoms consistent with a COVID-19 infection. 

    Our screening checklist template allows you to collect all of this information and reduce the chances that people in your building or facility may come into contact with the novel coronavirus or someone who has COVID-19. This information can also come in handy if you need to reach people who may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

    Check it out…

    If you’re using a tablet or other mobile device to collect information, you can download the Jotform Mobile Forms app and use kiosk mode, which turns your device into a public survey station.

  3. Coronavirus self-assessment form

  4. Regardless of whether someone is returning to work after going on vacation or visiting a clinic to seek medical care, you should determine if they may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus.

    This important information can help you decide which actions to take and make it easier to contact people if a COVID-19 case surfaces.

    Our coronavirus self-assessment form template can help you do just that by gathering a person’s name, home address, and emergency contact information. The form allows you to gauge a person’s exposure risk to the novel coronavirus by collecting details about their travel history and any contact with people who have COVID-19. The form also enables you to determine if someone may have any of the initial symptoms of COVID-19, such as a high fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

    Since this form includes our terms and conditions and e-signature widgets, people can acknowledge any fine print that you need to disclose and sign off on the document so it’s legally binding.

  5. Online medical consent form

  6. There’s little doubt that coronavirus has changed the way people interact with each other and work.

    Rather than in-person appointments, medical professionals are increasingly scheduling video sessions with patients to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading.

    These video conferencing sessions can be used to assess health issues and determine whether someone should visit a local clinic or hospital for further treatment.

    Although these virtual consultations take place through secure video conferencing platforms, medical professionals must still gather protected health information from patients, including their health insurance details and medical history.

    Jotform’s online medical consent form enables you to collect this important information from patients before an appointment takes place. With this information in hand, you can determine the appropriate level of care and provide meaningful guidance even if you aren’t able to meet with a patient in person.

    Just so you know…

    We’re giving qualified Coronavirus Responder Program users the opportunity to create HIPAA-friendly forms at no cost. Sign up for this option that helps with HIPAA compliance once you qualify for the Coronavirus Responder Program. Check out our blog to learn more about features to enable HIPAA compliance through the Coronavirus Responder Program.

  7. Contingency plan checklist

  8. In case of emergency or evacuation, you need to have a plan in place that clearly outlines where to go, who to contact, and what needs to be done so you can save lives.

    These plans should outline a chain of command, the actions that should occur ahead of time to prepare employees for an emergency, and instructions on how to contact specific people when an emergency takes place.

    Jotform’s contingency plan checklist can help you establish a clear line of communication across all stakeholders and ensure everyone’s on the same page when drills or exercises need to be held.

  9. Passenger self-reporting form

  10. Since the novel coronavirus can be transmitted by people who are in close contact with each other, it may be necessary for you to collect arrival information from passengers traveling on the same plane, bus, or train.

    This information can be particularly helpful if you need to locate a specific flight or vehicle, as well as anyone who was sitting next to a person who later tested positive for COVID-19.

    Jotform’s passenger self-reporting form can give you a headstart on this process by allowing you to collect the contact details of each traveler on a specific flight, bus, or train. The form can also help you find out where they went before traveling, where they sat, where they disembarked, and whether they display any COVID-19 symptoms.

  11. Coronavirus suspected patient intake form

  12. Whenever a person arrives at a medical facility exhibiting symptoms that are consistent with a COVID-19 infection, you’ll need to collect some key details once they’re in a secured area.

    Jotform’s suspected patient intake form can help you collect important protected health information, including a person’s medical history and health insurance details. This specific form also allows you to learn more about a potential COVID-19 infection case, such as who lives with a patient, whether that person traveled anywhere recently, and which symptoms they’re displaying.

  13. Testing appointment form

  14. At a time when there’s more demand than supply of tests for the novel coronavirus, medical professionals need a way to narrow down the list of people who can get tested.

    This can be done by creating an eligibility framework that gauges the severity of a person’s symptoms, as well as whether they fall within a certain age category and have any underlying health conditions. If people display severe symptoms or don’t meet certain criteria, you can advise them to seek urgent medical attention or direct them to additional public health resources.

    Jotform’s testing appointment form template allows you to collect protected health information from people who want to get tested for coronavirus. Once patients are cleared for an in-person visit, the form allows patients to set up an appointment time at a specific place.

    This appointment-booking option can be particularly useful since coronavirus tests must be collected at specific facilities that have equipment to contain the novel coronavirus.

  15. Recently contacted list

  16. If someone contracts COVID-19, knowing who has been in close contact with them will help you control the spread of the novel coronavirus.

    This information will enable you to inform these close contacts about a person’s infection and any next steps they should take.

    Jotform’s “recently contacted” list template provides you with a good idea of who has been close to an infected patient, as well as key details about them, such as their name, age, address, and location.

  17. Coronavirus newsletter subscription form

  18. Every day, there are updates about the novel coronavirus and the efforts being taken to control or limit its spread. Providing people with reliable resources on the matter can help to dispel inaccurate information.

    Jotform’s coronavirus newsletter subscription form allows you to collect the names and email addresses of people who want the guidance you can offer. You can even build your email list by using one of our integrations with email marketing tools.

  19. Other coronavirus response forms

  20. Although medical workers are often on the front lines of combating the novel coronavirus and COVID-19, organizations and businesses play a critical role in addressing the pandemic’s unprecedented impacts.

    To address the wide range of use cases out there, our curated template gallery for coronavirus response forms includes a variety of other useful forms:

Free unlimited HIPAA accounts to eligible first responders


At Jotform, we believe that your focus should be on safeguarding the health, welfare, and safety of people in your community, not on trying to build a data-collection tool to gather the information you need to save lives.

Our curated coronavirus response form templates gallery can help you get a jump-start on your workflow and get ahead of any issues that you may encounter.

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For the millions of frontline workers around the world who have answered the global calls for help, we stand ready and willing to assist by offering a wide range of HIPAA-friendly data collection tools at no cost.

We’re inspired by the stories of people just like you who are fighting the good fight against the novel coronavirus and COVID-19.

We’d like to thank these selfless, everyday heroes — and countless others — who are taking on personal sacrifices to make a difference in the world.

You have gone above and beyond the call of duty to fight against the novel coronavirus and temper its deleterious impacts on society.

More important, you remind us that everybody — including us at Jotform — play a key role in tackling the global pandemic.

We are united by a collective desire to not only prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading but also find a cure that will stop COVID-19 in its tracks.

Darin is a content marketer who's passionate about disrupting perceptions, solving problems, and helping people be more productive. Outside of the office, he is a rush-hour straphanger, adventure seeker, coffee drinker, and frequent traveler.

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