Brazil E-signature Legality Guide

اطلع على الحقائق الخاصة بكل بلد حول قوانين ولوائح التوقيع الإلكتروني.

شرعية التوقيع الإلكتروني في البرازيل

لا تشترط البرازيل توقيعاً بخط اليد لجعل العقد ساري المفعول قانوناً. وقد وُضع الإجراء المؤقت رقم 2.200-2/01 في عام 2001 لإنفاذ هذا الحكم. كما أنشأ القانون أيضا هيئة التوقيعات العامة البرازيلية (ICP Brasileira) لضمان استيفاء التوقيعات الإلكترونية لمعايير محددة.

E-signatures that comply with the ICP-Brasil are considered authentic and reliable and cannot be denied as evidence in court. The ICP-Brasil is a digital certificate issuance system that validates e-signatures and makes them superior to other electronically generated signatures.

Additionally, Law 11,419/06, which amended law 5,869/73 of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure, established the legal provisions that regulate the use and acceptance of e-signatures in court-related documents, including civil, criminal, and labor claims.

Brazil recognizes three tiers of signatures: Standard Electronic Signature (SES), which can be drawn or typed on any device; the Advanced Electronic Signature (AES), which uniquely identifies the signer; and the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), which is equal to a handwritten signature. For the QES to be considered the same as a handwritten signature, the signature must meet the following criteria:

  • Be linked exclusively to the signer
  • Creation data must be under the control of the signer only
  • Alteration attempts to the signature or information must be detectable
  • The process must be supported by the Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure (ICP-Brasil)

Private and public companies have the freedom to choose which e-signature they prefer while conducting their businesses. Talk to a legal professional for further guidance.
