Jotform Teams

Shared workspaces for your forms
and data

Create shared workspaces for teams within your organization. Let members create forms, tables, reports, and apps to work collaboratively online. Set different roles and permissions to stay in control of your data.

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Team Workspace

All team assets in
one place

Give each team an all-in-one workspace so members can access and edit their assets in a single place. Assets added to shared workspaces are owned by the entire team, so members can stay up to date and work collaboratively.

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Team Collaboration

Collaborate with your team members

Seamlessly collaborate on submission data with your team members and clients via Jotform Tables. Organize and manage data on spreadsheets, calendars, or easy-to-read cards — perfect for any occasion or management style.

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Automate your team’s workflow

Streamline approvals within your team’s workflow. Collect HR requests, job applications, IT tickets, and more with online forms and turn them into tasks in an automated approval flow. You can also request e-signatures and other approval actions from team members with Approve & Sign.

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Process Man Image



Flow Completed

Role-Based Access Control

Assign different roles to team members

Structure your team roles in a way that makes sense with your preferred workflow hierarchy. Jotform Teams users can execute daily tasks efficiently, and administrators can ensure all users have access to important assets and data — all possible with the predefined roles in Jotform Teams.

  • Reduce administrative work
  • Delegate tasks
  • Maintain compliance
  • Ensure security
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Data Collaborator

Data Viewer

Team Admin


What Our Users Say About Jotform Teams

There's one team that makes most of the forms for our organization, and having Jotform Teams to host all our forms in a shared workspace would make it easier for us to collaborate and edit each other's forms as needed.

Simon Morgan,

Senior Manager of GIS and Business Applications,

Three Rivers Park District

A really nice feature of Jotform Teams is the role-based access. I was able to add all of our website forms to a team workspace and invite our website vendor to that team, so they can edit the forms without any risk of them seeing protected health information contained in the form submission data. Being able to give people the ability to view data but not edit it, or be able to build a form but not edit the submission data with Jotform Teams' role-based access is great. It makes it much easier to manage things.

Kyle Krownapple,

AV & Collaboration Technologies Support Specialist,

The Village Network

Jotform Enterprise is lovely and easy to use, and the new Teams feature makes it great. I use it as the admin for contracts, Procurement processes, Payments, Enrollment Management, Help Desk support, and Marketing support. Jotform Teams makes it easier to maintain our documents in one place versus each team member having their forms and documents in their own separate folders. It's going to save a lot of time.

Tevin Noel,

Senior IT Manager,

Tennessee State University

Our customers have marketing agencies and partners. We use Jotform Teams to create shared workspaces where we can share forms and collaborate with our customer's third-party vendors. Jotform Teams allows us the flexibility to house forms in a shared space where others can access forms and make the changes they need. If someone moves to another department or leaves our organization altogether, Jotform Teams preserves the team's access to the forms and related assets created by that individual without any transferring of ownership.

Eric Blaser,



We have multiple people who support our forms, but who should not be able to see the submission data. Jotform Teams has enhanced our ability to collaborate and share ownership of forms with a shared workspace. Additionally, the new role-based access makes it easier for us to keep submission data completely separated and protected from those who only need access to the form. The shared workspaces of Jotform Teams removes a huge maintenance burden for us and gives us a whole new way to create, maintain, and organize our clients forms and data.

Jessica Wessel,

Product Lead,

Grant Street Group

You can work smarter, together.

Announcing Jotform Teams