Painel do Administrador

Jotform Government Admin Console

Admin Dashboard

All Jotform Government administrators have access to their own Admin Console. You’ll have full control over your Jotform Government instance, so you can manage users, view comprehensive form statistics, and review activity logs in one place.

Descubra insights essenciais

Reveal critical insights

Get a comprehensive view of your form usage in your dashboard. System admins can review statistics for submissions, forms, and views. Set filters to see daily, weekly, and monthly metrics — or choose a custom time frame.

User management access and control

User management access and control

Securely manage data and users from a single account. See a list of all users and get quick access to user history and profile configuration. Users can give each other access to forms and form data, while admins maintain control over all forms and data.

Use the Admin Console to

  • Crie novos usuĂĄrios
  • Edite e exclua usuĂĄrios
  • Atualize configuraçÔes e tipos de usuĂĄrio, bem como suas informaçÔes de perfil
  • Revise os registros de atividades dos usuĂĄrios

Manage forms from one location

Manage forms from one location

Control all the forms on your server from a single page. Select multiple forms at once to change the forms’ owner or delete forms in bulk.

Access menus in individual forms to

  • View the form (opens a form via direct link)
  • Edit the form (loads a form in the Form Builder)
  • Change the form owner
  • Delete the form

Easily export a list of your forms into an Excel or CSV file with the click of a button.

Review activity log

Review activity log

Admins can review all actions performed by users in an activity log. Easily filter search results based on time frame, username, and user actions.

O registro de atividades monitora o seguinte:

  • Logins
  • FormulĂĄrios criados
  • Modificação de formulĂĄrios
  • ExclusĂŁo de formulĂĄrios
  • ExclusĂ”es permanentes de envios
  • Edição de envios
  • ExclusĂŁo de envios

Crie um registro consolidado de atividades do servidor e exporte-o como um arquivo Excel ou CSV em um Ășnico clique.

Armazene seus dados em um centro de residĂȘncia de dados local

Store your data in a local data residency center

Jotform Government protects form submission data with GDPR-, CCPA-, and HIPAA-friendly solutions — and you can boost your security by storing all of your data in a local data residency center.