How to activate the Reply button in Jotform Inbox?

  • imparaveisfits
    Perguntado em 25 de setembro de 2023 às 20:35

    Criei um formulário no qual o consumidor do meu aplicativo vai enviar uma pergunta como resposta, quando eu receber, quero responde-la, e tem a opção de responder, mas aparece não estar habilitada.

    Isso na aba do 9°A no qual o objetivo é o usuário tirar suas duvidas conosco, e agente responde-las. O usuário receberia uma espécie de notificação informando que respondemos sua pergunta.How to activate the Reply button in Jotform Inbox? Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Miray Enterprise Operations Specialist
    Respondido em 26 de setembro de 2023 às 04:22

    Hi imparaveisfits,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Our Portuguese Support is currently unavailable at the moment, so I'll reply to you in English. Please do let us know if you'd like a local agent to assist you instead, but keep in mind that it could take a bit longer for them to respond.

    To send feedback to the form respondent, you'll need to collect their email address on the form. The email they enter in the form's email field will be used as the recipient address for the replies sent using the Inbox

    • To add an Email field on your form, open your form in Form Builder and drag and drop an Email element onto the form from the Form Elements menu.

    How to activate the Reply button in Jotform Inbox? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Once the form respondent enters their email address, the Reply button will be activated for their entry in Jotform Inbox, and the recipient field will be prefilled with their email address. Once you have an email field on the form and if any entries have an empty email field, you will need to manually enter a recipient email address for them.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any more help.