Canada E-signature Legality Guide

Check out the country-specific facts about electronic signature laws and regulations.

E-signature Legality in Canada

Several Canadian provinces allow for electronic signatures, including British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec as of the last update of this page. At the federal level, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) governs e-signatures, and there are specific laws on e-signatures at the province level and in some cases locally.

Among other requirements, under PIPEDA, an electronic signature must result from the use by a person of the technology or process that is unique to the person, the technology or process by which a person electronically signs a document must be under the sole control of the person, and the electronic signature must be linked with an electronic document in such a way that it can be used to determine whether the electronic document has been changed since the electronic signature was made.

Like in the U.S., many different types of documents can be signed electronically, provided that the applicable laws are followed. Consult your attorney before reaching any conclusions about whether the document you want to sign may be signed electronically.
