VoytekAsked on 9 czerwca 2023 07:14
Nie otrzymuję linku do zmiany hasła na podany email (wkucharski@sig.pl)
Konto to to konto firmowe firmy Sig sp. zoo i teoretycznie podany email ma uprawnienia do tego konta
Proszę o weryfikację i link do zmiany hasła na wskazany email (wkucharski@sig.pl)
Dziękuję bardzo -
Patrick Product Triage SpecialistReplied on 9 czerwca 2023 08:15
Hi Voytek,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. When I checked the email address you provided, I was able to find a deleted free account that has 2 forms in it. However, as I mentioned, the account seems to be deleted. If you are trying to log into your Free account, currently, you won't be able to. However, we can activate the said account if you are planning on using the said account.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward.
VoytekReplied on 9 czerwca 2023 08:25
Nie, nie chcę raktywować tego bezpłatnego konta z 2 formularzani.
Zostało ono usunięte celowo po rozmowie na chacie JotForm. Chodziło o zwolnienie adresu email wkucharski@sig.pl tak aby móc ponownie go użyć do logowania na firmowe konto SIG.
Ten wyżej wspomniany email ma uprawnienia do konta firmowego SIG. Proszę o wygenerowanie linku do zmiany hasła tak abym mógł tworzyć firmowe formularze. Jeżeli istnieje możliwoośc przeniesienia wspomnianych przez pana 2 formularzy na konto firmowe to oczywiście poproszę. Pozdrawiam. -
Patrick Product Triage SpecialistReplied on 9 czerwca 2023 08:59
Hi Voytek,
Thanks for getting back to us. I've checked out your previous Live Chat transcripts and it seems my colleague suggested you to change the email address of your account rather than deleting your account.
So, we can activate your deleted Starter account that has 2 forms in it. You will need to change the email address of the said Starter account to a different email that isn't connected to any Jotform account. This will free up your email address to change it with your other starter account that has 5 forms in it or even create a new Jotform account.
The steps above will allow you to change the email accounts in between your accounts or to create a new account after freeing up an already-used one. You can check out our guide about How to Change Your Account Email Address? which can help you through the process.
After we hear back from you, we can activate your account and you can execute the needed email change processes.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward.