Vaccination Record Card
A Vaccination Record Card is a document that servers as proof that an individual already received a vaccine from a health facility. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government is requiring the citizens to receive vaccines as soon as they can be based on the provided schedule. If the citizen received a vaccine, there's a chance that it will minimize the spread of the virus or it will prevent the individual to be hospitalized due to bad conditions.
This Vaccination Record Card PD template shows the name of the individual, age, date of birth, gender, batch number, patient number, vaccination record table, reminders, return date and time, and other important information. This PDF template is using the A5 paper size and the landscape layout so that it is more presentable and easy to read. This PDF template is using the Input Table tool in order to display the vaccination date, dosage, lot number, manufacturer, and the location where the patient received the vaccine. Customize freely this PDF template via the PDF Editor which is very easy to use.