Landlord Rent Receipt
A Landlord Rent Receipt is a document given to the tenants by the landlords after paying the rent. This is a record and proof that the tenant completed payment for that specific date. It is recommended that the tenant should collect all of the rent receipts for security purposes. This document can be kept by the landlord as well in order to keep track of the payments made by the tenant. According to the law, the landlord or vendor should issue a receipt for all payments or purchases.
This Landlord Rent Receipt shows the receipt number, the date the receipt was issued, the name of the tenant, the amount paid, payment method, landlord information, and a signature. This template is using the E-signature widget to capture the digital signature of the landlord who issued the receipt. The receipt number is generated automatically by the Unique ID widget. This widget assigned a unique value for every submission. You can further customize the layout by changing the font or the color theme using the PDF Editor.