Daycare Receipt
Daycare Receipt is a document that is given to the parent or guardian after paying for the daycare services for their child or children. This document is important because this will be used for tracking sales and managing taxes by the daycare owner. A receipt should be provided to the customer for each transaction because this will serve as proof for the customer and a record from the provider.
This Daycare Receipt PDF template displays parent or guardian information and contact details, receipt number, child's name, age, gender, time in and out, total amount fee, and signature from the parent or guardian and the provider. This PDF template is utilizing the Signature tool in order to get confirmation from both parties that the receipt is valid. This PDF template uses the Input Table in order to display the child information in a table format which makes it easier to see and understand. This template is also using the Form Calculation widget that automatically calculates the fee for each service and shows the total amount fee. Further, edit and modify this simple PDF template by using the PDF Editor.