How a Nonprofit Museum Uses Jotform

How a Nonprofit Museum Uses Jotform

Located in quaint downtown Santa Rosa, Museums of Sonoma County is a historical staple that serves the entire Bay Area community. Since 1985, this museum has embraced its local culture and been the home base for modern and historical art collections.

Museums of Sonoma County serves 20,000 individuals per year, 3,000 of which are school children. From in-depth tours to art projects to games in the garden, this museum is able to offer a variety of different experiences to visitors, which keeps them coming back year after year.

But coordinating an operation like this isn’t easy, especially with a small staff of 10 and a nonprofit budget. So how do they do it?

Well for starters, to help with their information collection needs, they use JotForm.

Youtube Embed Poster: 0l6YSo4yfAo

Museums of Sonoma County started using Jotform to help manage rental inquiries, which came in handy if someone wanted to rent the facility for a special event. Individuals could easily complete their request by filling out an online form.

After rental inquiry forms proved to be successful, the museum started using Jotform for a variety of other important forms, such as volunteer applications, surveys, contracts, booking tours, and more.

Previously, collecting information required multiple steps. Making the shift to online forms was especially helpful. For example, for gift shop vendors, the museum had to send vendors a contract through email, then the vendor would have to print it out, sign it, and scan it back. Now, that process has been condensed into one easy step, thanks to Jotform.

Not only is Jotform beneficial for enhancing workplace efficiency and streamlining data collection, it also doesn’t break the bank. Museums of Sonoma County is able to take advantage of Jotform’s nonprofit discount, which offers 50% off plans. Since the museum is funded by grants and support from the community, this discount helps the museum save money and direct donations to other areas of need.

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Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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