Moneris FAQs

Check out FAQs about Moneris or directly get in contact with our 24/7 Support Team!

  • What is Moneris?

    Moneris is Canada’s leading payment processor with 3 billion transactions completed each year. With Moneris you get 2.65% transaction fee, customized POS system and merchant services and the award-winning, 24/7 customer support.

  • Is Moneris a payment gateway?

    Yes, it is. Moneris offers many payment processing services, including multi-functional online payment solutions. With Jotform’s Moneris integration, you can securely collect payments for custom orders, memberships, donations, application fees and anything else directly through your form.

  • How much does Moneris charge per transaction?

    Moneris charges a fixed processing fee of 2.65% per transaction.

  • Is there an additional fee to collect payments through the Moneris integration?

    No, Jotform does not collect any additional fees for using the Moneris integration and does not charge any additional per-transaction fees. You only pay the fees charged by Moneris.

  • Is Moneris available outside of Canada?

    You can only collect payments with Jotform’s Moneris integration if you have an account with Moneris. Currently, Moneris accounts are only available for Canada-based merchants.

  • How do I add the Moneris integration to my form?

    Adding the Moneris payment processor integration to your form is easy. Please check out our detailed guide on how to integrate moneris with Jotform for step by step instructions.

  • What do I need to set up Moneris integration?

    You will need your Store ID and API Token to instantly connect your Moneris account to Jotform and start collecting payments. The Store ID can be found in the “Welcome Letter” you received from Moneris. You can follow the guide on obtaining Moneris API token to get your API.

  • What can you do with Jotform’s Moneris integration?

    With our Moneris integration you can sell your products, collect donations and accept custom payments from your customers in a variety of currencies.

  • Is it possible to test the Moneris integration?

    Yes. With our Sandbox mode, you can test your Moneris integration without charging real credit cards. For test card numbers and additional information take a look at our guide on integrating Moneris to Jotform or Moneris Testing Solutions page. You can also take a look at the Penny Value Simulator page to test your integration in more detail.

  • Which security code and expiration date should I use with test card numbers for testing the Moneris integration?

    If you are using the Sandbox mode to test your Moneris integration, you can enter any security code and expiration date.

  • What to do if you receive the PCI :: Moneris Payment Error?

    Receiving this error means that either the Store ID or the API Token you entered is incorrect. Please make sure that you enter the correct credentials when setting up your Moneris integration. If you need any assistance retrieving your credentials, please contact Moneris Support.