PayPal Payment Forms
წუთებში შექმენით პროფესიონალური დონაციის, გამოწერის და შეკვეთის ფორმები.

PayPal გადახდის ფორმა
Jotform won't charge you additional fees for accepting payments with your PayPal form.

Quick, Convenient Payments
Gain appeal to Venmo customers by letting customers pay for purchases the same way they pay their friends. With Jotform and Venmo, you can receive money directly to your bank account or debit card.

დაეხმარეთ მომხმარებლებს შეიძინონ ახლა, გადაიხადონ მოგვიანებით
With PayPal Pay in 4 payment forms, customers can pay for their purchases in four interest-free installments while you get paid up front.

მსოფლიო მასშტაბის დაფარვა
Expand your business by expanding your audience. Available in more than 200 markets, PayPal enables you to go global by accepting 150+ currencies from millions of customers worldwide.

Maximizing Revenue with Recurring Payments
Discover how Jotform’s PayPal integration can help you set up and manage recurring payments for subscription-based services, memberships, donations, and more — perfect for nonprofits and businesses alike.
შექმენით PayPal გადახდის ფორმა
მიიღეთ გადახდები უფრო სწრაფად. დაამატეთ PayPal თქვენს ფორმებს.