Email di risposta automatica: come inserire il comando "Annulla iscrizione".

  • Hiras_Studio
    Domanda del 17 settembre 2024 alle ore 12:44

    Ho impostato il mio modulo e ci sono un po' di persone iscritte, ma se queste persone non volessero più ricevere mie mail, come posso inserire il "tasto" Disiscriversi?

  • Neal_C Jotform Support
    Risposta del 17 settembre 2024 alle ore 15:05

    Hi Hiras_Studio,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, you can definitely reply in whichever language you are comfortable with. If you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. I just want to let you know that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    To answer your question, you can include the unsubscribe URL you created to your autoresponder email by adding a hyperlink that directs them to the unsubscribe URL. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on the Settings page which is located at the orange navigation bar.

    2. Once you reach the Settings page, click on the Email tab located on the left side of the page.

    3. Click on the Pencil icon of the autoresponder you have to edit the email content.

    4. Add a Hyperlink to your email content wherein if they click the hyperlink you created they will be redirected to your unsubscribe URL.

    Email di risposta automatica: come inserire il comando Annulla iscrizione Screenshot 20 Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  • Hiras_Studio
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 03:42

    Thank you I know how to make a link in an email, but where can I find the hyperlink that directs them to the unsubscribe URL? How can I generate this URL?

  • Joseph Jotform Support
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 04:05

    Hi Hiras_Studio,

    The autoresponder emails are sent to the form fillers as a receipt after they fill out the form or on a later date. If you want to add a button to allow form fillers to unsubscribe from the Autoresponder emails, unfortunately, it's not currently possible.

    While the feature you’re looking for isn’t currently available, rest assured we’re always working to add new services and features to Jotform. 

    I've gone ahead and escalated your request to our Developer Team. When or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

    Let us know if you need any other help.

  • Hiras_Studio
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 04:09

    I know for sure that someone who use Jotform has this "unsubscribe" link, it's like a newsletter

  • Joseph Jotform Support
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 04:26

    Hi Hiras_Studio,

    Do you have an example to show us? You can send us the form's URL where this feature is enabled. Note that other users may use an Email Marketing integration, like Mailchimp, that allows you to add an Unsubscribe button to your emails.

    Let us know if you need any other help.

  • Hiras_Studio
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 06:25

    Email di risposta automatica: come inserire il comando Annulla iscrizione Screenshot 30Email di risposta automatica: come inserire il comando Annulla iscrizione Screenshot 41

  • Hiras_Studio
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 06:26

    And this is the "button" Disiscriversi

  • Joseph Jotform Support
    Risposta del 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 06:50

    Hi Hiras_Studio,

    It seems that this example is not related to Jotform. I couldn't identify any Jotform forms in the screenshot you provided. Also, by clicking on the 'Disiscriversi' button, you can see that's powered by ActiveCampaing.Email di risposta automatica: come inserire il comando Annulla iscrizione Screenshot 20

    If you want, you can integrate your form with ActiveCampaing through our ActiveCampaing integration and manage all the emails and the newsletters from there. You can check out this guide about How to Integrate ActiveCampaign With Your Form

    Let us know if you need any other help.