Opzione per modificare il tema colore delle proprietà dell'elemento

  • UfficioRQA
    Domanda del 16 settembre 2024 alle ore 10:22

    E' possibile cambiare i colori del menu di destra?

    Il segnalino nella barra di scorrimento per il campo Opzioni si vede a malapena ...

    Opzione per modificare il tema colore delle proprietà dellelemento Image 1 Screenshot 20

  • Christopher Jotform Support
    Risposta del 16 settembre 2024 alle ore 12:36

    Hi UfficioRQA,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, currently, it is not possible to change it's color. While the feature you’re looking for isn’t currently available, rest assured we’re always working to add new services and features to Jotform. I've gone ahead and escalated your request to our Developers. When or if it's implemented depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.