emerendaDomanda del 15 luglio 2024 alle ore 10:12
Vorrei sapere perche non passano i pagamenti del form IT Certificati Modulo di pagamento Credit scoring Per C360 https://form.jotform.com/241924693957371.
Attendo un vostro gentile riscontro,
Bilal_ARisposta del 15 luglio 2024 alle ore 11:50
Hi Eddy,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but please feel free to reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.
Now, coming back to your question. Can you take a screenshot of what's happening and share it with our Support Forum so that I can have a better idea of what's going on and help you with this? This guide will show you how to do that.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to help you with this.
emerendaRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 05:06
Ciao Bilial,
Ti mando in allegato screenshot di diversi form in cui non ha passato il pagamento.
Vorremmo sapere se cè qualche problema con il nome del prodotto che vendiamo all'interno del form che vi dicevo, IT Certificati Modulo di pagamento Credit scoring Per C360 o qualche problema in generale.
Attendo un vostro gentile riscontro
Hi Bilial,
Attached I'm sending you screenshots of several forms in which it didn't pass the payment.
We would like to know if there is any problem with the name of the product we sell within the form, IT Certificates Payment Form Credit scoring For C360 or some problem in general.
I look forward to your kind feedback,
Raymond Jotform SupportRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 05:41
Hi Eddy,
I see that the Product List in your form is not set as required. This means that users can unselect the product and make submissions without making a payment. Let me show you how to set it as required:
- In Form Builder, click on your Product List field and on its Gear icon.
- Next, Enable the Require option and that's it.
We also have a guide on How to Set a Required Field that you can check out.
Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.
emerendaRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 07:44
Ciao Raymond,
Come mi avete indicato ho messo obbligatorio il prodotto in modo che non possano deselezionare il prodotto e andare avanti.
Purtroppo continuano a non passare i pagamenti, vi chiedo gentilmente di indagare quale problema ci sia.
Attendo un vostro gentile riscontro
Hi Raymond,
As you have instructed me I have made the product mandatory so that they can't deselect the product and move on.
Unfortunately they still do not pass the payments, I kindly ask you to investigate what the problem is.
I look forward to your kind feedback,
Eliza Jotform SupportRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 08:32
Hi Silvia,
I cloned your form and tested it to see if I could replicate the issue, but everything was working properly. Check out the screencast below to see my results:
I've cleared your form caches from the backend. I suggest reconnecting your form with the Stripe integration. Here's how to do that:
- In Form Builder, click on the payment field, and click on the wand icon to open Payment Settings.
- Click on the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page, and click on the dropdown that says Connected.
- Select Reconnect.
- Once done, click on Continue.
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.
emerendaRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 11:07
Hi Eliza,
I've done what you told me. I cloned the form (IT Certificati Modulo di pagamento Credit scoring Per C360), recconect with stripe and tested it.
IT Certificati Modulo di pagamento Report aziende Per C360
Unfortunately I replicate the issue and the form doesn't work.
I attach the screenshot where you could see that the payments still don't pass.
I look forward to your kind reply,
Vincenzo Jotform SupportRisposta del 16 luglio 2024 alle ore 12:40
Hi Silvia,
I checked your submissions and was able to see the issue you described. Before escalating this issue to our Developers, can you please let us know if your form is embedded on a website? If yes, can you please share with us your website URL, so we can check it and better understand what is going on?
As soon as we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with this.
SilviaRisposta del 17 luglio 2024 alle ore 07:29
Hi Vincenzo,
That's right, our form is embedded on this page .
Unfortunately it is not the only form, I think there may be some kind of issue with the word credit scoring because as a result of creating modules for this service, I have encountered these issue.
I look forward to your kind reply,
Frédéric Jotform SupportRisposta del 17 luglio 2024 alle ore 09:12
Hi Silvia,
I've checked the form embedded in your website page https://www.certificati.net/credit-scoring-dac360/. As I can see, it seems that the iframe source code of the form in use is not the one as it should be. Can you make a try with following the steps describe below to add the embedded form in your web page?
- In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Publish.
- In the left panel, select the tab Embed.
- Click on Iframe.
- In the new page displaying the Iframe code, click on </> Code.
- Then, paste this code to update the actual iframe in the webpage.
Once we hear back from you, we'll be able to better understand what's happening and how to help.
SilviaRisposta del 17 luglio 2024 alle ore 09:49
Hi Federic,
Unfortunately, that is not the problem.
I sent you the website page so that Vincenzo could escalate the issue to the developers.
We haven't use iframe to embedded the form, we use javascript and we've never had any problems
Honestly we are at 5/6 emails without having solved the problem. I would like to understand what the problem is and find it out.
I look forward to your kind reply,
Frédéric Jotform SupportRisposta del 18 luglio 2024 alle ore 04:05
Hi Silvia,
Note that the form embedded into your webpage is not the form ID 241924693957371, as you mentioned, but ID 241974254311353. So I created a ticket and escalated this to our Developers. Although we don't know exactly when it'll be fixed, we’ll circle back to this thread when we have an update.
Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.
emerendaRisposta del 18 luglio 2024 alle ore 04:50
Hi Federic,
The form (241974254311353) that is right now is the duplicate of the form (241924693957371) that your colleague asked me to make and test. Both of the forms do not work and give the same problem.
Thank you so much and i I look forward to your kind reply.
Frédéric Jotform SupportRisposta del 18 luglio 2024 alle ore 11:07
Hi Silvia,
Thanks for this confirmation. I already escalated the ticket and our developers are doing their best to provide us with an update as soon as they can.
Thanks again for your understanding.
Özlem Jotform DeveloperRisposta del 1 agosto 2024 alle ore 11:33
Hello Silvia,
We are sorry for the issue you experienced.
I tried to investigate the issue and I see that scripts in your website and our embed codes are conflicting. I am not able to replicate this issue when I try to embed my form into a website. In addition to this, you have some widgets on your form and theirs scripts may cause this conflict also.
We are able to replicate the issue on the your website so if it is possible, could you please prepare some test pages for us and share the URLs? Please remove widgets from your form and try to replicate the issue.
My recommendation for a quick solution is to use IFrame embed method instead of JS embed? Could you please try it and let us know?
You can use the following link for using iframe embed method.
Thank you.
emerendaRisposta del 7 agosto 2024 alle ore 10:49
we have the same issue again.
Today a customer has tried to pay a service with this form https://eu.jotform.com/build/242063783520049 but nothing.
The form showed the thankyou page to the customer even if he had not paid.
Let me know if you can fix this issue definitively.
Vincenzo Jotform SupportRisposta del 7 agosto 2024 alle ore 11:20
Hi Silvia,
I tried to submit your form with ID 242063783520049 without filling the Stripe information and was unable to do it. Check out the screencast below to see my results:
Also, I cloned your form and tested it to see if I could replicate the issue, but everything was working properly. Check out the screencast below to see my results:
Can you please confirm us if the form is embedded? If yes, can you please share the website URL with us? Also, if you embedded it with JavaScript, can you please try to embed it with Iframe and see how it goes. Doing that is easy, let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Publish.
- In the column on the left, click on the Embed tab.
- Next, click on the iFrame option.
- Finally, click on the </> Copy code button and paste it on your website, replacing the iFrame code.
As soon as we hear back from you, we'll be able to move forward with this.
emerendaRisposta del 8 agosto 2024 alle ore 03:28
Lo so che se provi ad andare avanti senza inserire i dati della carta il form si blocca con il messaggio di errore.
Il problema è che quando inserisci i dati della carta di credito e provi a fare il pagamento e clicchi sul pulsante di invio, il form mostra la thankyou page, ma al cliente non viene addebitato niente.
Come se non prendesse i dati del pagamento.
Infatti il cliente (di cui ti allego lo screenshot) ha inserito i dati della sua carta di credito, ha cliccato su invio ma non gli è stato addebitato nulla. Ma comunque il form gli ha mostrato la thankyou page come se avesse pagato.
Özlem Jotform DeveloperRisposta del 8 agosto 2024 alle ore 04:06
Ciao Eddy and Silvia,
Comprendiamo il tuo problema. Potresti gentilmente provare a cambiare il metodo di incorporamento dal codice JS al metodo di incorporamento iFrame per la soluzione? Puoi seguire la guida qui sotto.