Nonprofit Workflow Software
Otomatiskan alur kerja lembaga non-profit Anda
Whatever your nonprofit organization's focus, Jotform Workflows can help improve the way you manage processes. Create automated workflows that streamline applications, appointments, project notifications, and more.
Bangun Alur Kerja — Gratis!
Sederhanakan adopsi hewan
Find loving homes for your shelter's animals. With a custom workflow for processing adoptions, you can quickly review adoption applicants and automate notifications.
Bangun Alur Kerja — Gratis!
Free Nonprofit Workflow Templates
Not sure where to start? Choose one of Jotform’s free, ready-made nonprofit templates to get started right away.
Sederhanakan perekrutan relawan
Dapatkan bantuan tambahan untuk lembaga nonprofit Anda tanpa melakukan pekerjaan tambahan. Tetapkan pemberi persetujuan untuk meninjau aplikasi sukarelawan dan mengirim email ke pelamar yang disetujui secara otomatis - sehingga Anda dapat merekrut dan menjadwalkan sukarelawan tanpa penundaan.
Bangun Alur Kerja — Gratis!
Sederhanakan adopsi hewan
Setujui atau tolak aplikasi keanggotaan untuk organisasi Anda. Buat alur persetujuan otomatis yang langsung memberi tahu orang yang tepat untuk meninjau pelamar dan menentukan apakah mereka memenuhi semua persyaratan.
Bangun Alur Kerja — Gratis!
Nonprofit Use Cases
Volunteer Application Approval
Find volunteers for your organization fast. Get applications instantly. Automate your approval flow. Fully customizable. Mobile-friendly. No coding needed.
Lihat TemplatChurch Membership Application
Simplify the approval process for membership applications at your church with this free approval template. Add approvers, emails, and more without doing any coding.
Lihat TemplatAnimal Adoption Approval
Collect, approve, and reject adoption applications at your animal shelter. Free automated approval flow template. Set up automatic emails. No coding.
Lihat TemplatSponsorship Approval
Seamlessly manage sponsorship applications with an automated workflow. Add notifications, conditions, approvers, payment processors, and more.
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