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Discover how Jotform Store Builder works

Discover the top 17 Jotform Store Builder features that help you create your online store. Jotform’s free no-code Store Builder allows you to sell products, services, or subscriptions, or collect donations in a single app that works on any device. Get started today to grow your business or nonprofit.

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Jotform Store Builder in 2 minutes!

store builder

No coding required. Just drag and drop to add your products to your product lists without any coding. Don't forget to upload product images and add descriptions!

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Advanced product options

Offer different options for each product and include descriptions and images. Discover the best product details to include with our premade product details page. View each product's information on a single page.

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Split up what you're selling into multiple pages or product categories. Make it easier for customers to browse for what they need.

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Keranjang belanja bawaan Pembuat Toko Jotform memungkinkan pelanggan menambahkan item ke keranjang mereka dan melihatnya nanti dengan masuk ke toko Anda. Dengan interface yang mudah digunakan dan proses checkout yang efisien, Anda akan mendapatkan pesanan sekaligus membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah bagi Anda dan pelanggan Anda.

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Give customers an easy way to save their favorite items in your online store. Your customers can easily access the products they love by logging into your store from any device.

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Allow customers to access their app history at their own convenience. Users logged into your custom store app can view their previous order details.

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25+ gateway pembayaran

Terhubung dengan salah satu dari 25+ gateway pembayaran untuk menerima pembayaran online — tanpa membayar biaya transaksi tambahan ke Jotform! Opsi populer termasuk PayPal, Square, Stripe, Venmo, Apple Pay, dan Google Pay.

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Multiple payment methods

Give your customers more ways to pay, so they can pay the way they want. Jotform lets you collect debit or credit card payments, mobile payment options like Apple Pay or Google Pay, and even accept purchase orders online to get paid later in person.

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Secure and safe payments

Rest easy knowing your customers' payment data is protected with a 256-bit SSL connection as well as PSD2, CCPA, GDPR, and PCI DSS Level 1 compliance, giving customers peace of mind when buying from your business.

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80+ powerful store widgets

Build your own online store with Jotform's 80+ ready-to-use store widgets. Simply drag and drop to add product lists, headers, text boxes, videos, maps, social media links, and more in just a few clicks.

Formulir Online
Penggeser Gambar
Daftar Produk

Desainer aplikasi yang fleksibel

Each online store you build — be it from scratch or from a template — is easy to customize. Jotform’s drag-and-drop elements are perfect for creating a design that fits your needs and branding.

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Make it easier for customers to find your store with a custom URL that includes both your organization’s and your app’s name. In a few clicks, you can create a personalized URL that works for you. You can also create custom links for each form within your online store to make sharing even easier.

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Advanced sharing & publishing options

Bagikan toko online Anda kepada audiens Anda dengan cepat. Bagikan di akun sosial Anda, kirim tautan Anda melalui email, atau buat kode QR agar mudah dipindai. Anda juga dapat memperbarui pengaturan izin untuk menjaga toko online Anda tetap pribadi, publik, atau hanya dapat diakses oleh anggota bisnis Anda.

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Compatible with
all devices

Shoppers can use your store on all devices — whether that be a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. They can access and download your store onto any Android, iOS, Windows, or macOS device.

Downloadable for mobile or desktop

With Jotform Store Builder’s built-in progressive web apps (PWA) technology, customers can add your app to their home screen and use it like a native app. Your app will reflect any updates instantly, use less data than traditional apps, and work in low-connectivity areas.

Dapat disematkan di situs web apa pun

Sematkan toko Anda dengan mulus di situs web Anda dengan kode semat salin-tempel. Anda juga dapat membagikan aplikasi toko Anda dengan mengirimkan undangan email, memposting tautan toko di bio media sosial Anda, atau membuat kode QR unik yang dapat dipindai pengguna dengan perangkat mobile mereka.

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