Legalitas Tanda Tangan Elektronik di Prancis
Prancis adalah anggota Uni Eropa, dan dengan demikian tanda tangan elektronik di Prancis diatur oleh Peraturan (UE) No. 910/2014 tahun 2014, yang dikenal sebagai eIDAS, yang mengawasi manajemen identitas digital, autentikasi, dan layanan kepercayaan di seluruh Uni Eropa.
eIDAS includes three types of digital signatures: Simple Electronic Signature (SES), Advanced Electronic Signature (AdES), and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Each type has different requirements. QES is the most secure and can be considered an acceptable alternative to handwritten signatures under certain conditions.
In addition to eIDAS, France’s Civil Code and Decree N° 2017-1416 govern the conditions under which an e-signature is considered valid and outline requirements for devices, software, and service providers that issue e-signatures.
Consult a legal professional to ensure you’re meeting all relevant laws and requirements.
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