Does WordPress enable HIPAA compliance?

Just so you know
Collect patient contact information, medical records, and payments with Jotform’s HIPAA-friendly forms.

WordPress offers a variety of website security features, but it’s unclear whether the controls are sufficient to meet HIPAA regulations.

It is possible to meet specific HIPAA standards in WordPress, but this process is complicated. Controls must be in place to prevent unauthorized access to the administration control panel and PHI. Additionally, transmission security controls are necessary to encrypt data in transit and secure information at rest.

If covered entities choose WordPress for website design and content management, they should be careful before considering uploading PHI to the site.

Product details

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Product description

WordPress is a content management system that offers open-source services for website design and more. Available features include templates and plug-in architecture to provide easy-to-use, customizable solutions for each site.

This web page was updated on October 02, 2023.


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