Does Wix enable HIPAA compliance?

Wix has not stated that it enables HIPAA compliance. There is no mention of HIPAA compliance on its website and no indication that the company will sign a Business Associate Agreement.

Wix is a popular website builder. Passive scanning is done periodically, but customers don’t have access to real-time monitoring to protect against hacking.

Certain Wix features can be HIPAA friendly when paired with other services. Wix partners with Google Workspace to integrate email hosting. When purchasing Wix services, you may meet HIPAA requirements for email if you use specific security settings and sign a BAA with Google.

Product details

Company Logo

Product description

Wix is a cloud-based website development service. Customers can create HTML5 website designs using a simple drag-and-drop system.

This web page was updated on October 02, 2023.


Readers should perform their own research before making the final decision. The information on the Jotform HIPAA Compliance Checker does not constitute official healthcare or legal advice. Jotform is not liable for any damage or liabilities arising out of or connected in any manner with this platform.

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