Does Mindbody enable HIPAA compliance?

Mindbody has proactive security measures that appear to meet HIPAA regulations. The company has obtained PCI Level 1 certification, and states that it completes an annual audit and HIPAA risk assessment.

HIPAA-related privacy features include network security, encryption, ePHI protection, access control measures, and a Vulnerability Management Program. System alerts are in place to notify admins of unauthorized access.

Mindbody offers PHI-related protections for appointment scheduling, contact logs, documents, and transactions. Progress notes allow covered entities to record personal information that’s accessible only by authorized personnel.

A business associate agreement (BAA) must be in place before using Mindbody for PHI. Covered entities can email Mindbody to request a signed BAA.

Product details

Product description

Mindbody is business management software for cloud-based scheduling and documentation. This software serves a variety of businesses, including spas, gyms, and salons worldwide.

This web page was updated on October 02, 2023.


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