Does Adobe Sign enable HIPAA compliance?

Adobe Sign has described itself as HIPAA compliant. Clients can access HIPAA-compliant security features through the Enterprise plan. Also, Adobe appears willing to sign a business associate agreement (BAA).

When using e-signatures for protected health information (PHI), you must institute security and privacy protections for electronic transmission and storage of data to meet HIPAA requirements. 

Adobe Sign offers configuration options to comply with HIPAA standards and allow organizations to meet industry-specific compliance requirements for e-signatures. Each client must configure features such as account time-out, password length, and accessibility settings.

Covered entities can use authentication to manage user identities, certify each document’s integrity, maintain audit trails, and track document delivery. 

This tool is helpful for healthcare providers because the e-signature features can be integrated with other HIPAA-compliant software services.

Adobe Sign offers a business associate agreement (BAA) for customers on an Enterprise plan.

Product details

Product description

Adobe Sign provides e-signature functionality, allowing users to send, track, manage, and sign digital documents using various devices.

This web page was updated on September 29, 2023.


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