Each Jotform plan has corresponding limits, and when you reach any of these limits, it is the Form Over Quota message that you’ll see in your forms instead of being able to view and submit them.
The following monthly and fixed limits will trigger the error message:
- Submissions — Your monthly regular submissions or submissions without payment.
- Payment Submissions — Your monthly payment submissions or submissions to forms integrated with one of our payment gateways, like PayPal or Stripe.
- Sign Documents — Your monthly completed signed documents. Visit Jotform Sign to learn more.
- Form Views — Your monthly total number of views across all your forms from your account.
- Upload Space — The fixed total available disk space you can utilize for your forms with the File Upload field.
Here’s an example of the Form Over Quota message if you maxed out your regular submissions. You will see the message “This form has exceeded its allocated quota” in this error page.
On top of that, as the form owner, you will also receive an email notifying you of such a limit. Below is an email sent to an account with the Starter plan:
Visit Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits to learn more about your account usage.
When you get the Form Over Quota message, you can either do the following:
Wait for your monthly limit reset schedule. It’s indicated in your account’s Usage section.
Upgrade your account to a higher plan to increase your limits. See How to Upgrade My Account for more details.
If you get the message due to your Monthly Submission limit, you can increase it by doing some tasks listed in our GetMore Program. Visit your account’s Increase Limit section for the tasks.
For the File Upload space, you can either upgrade to increase the capacity or delete and purge the existing submissions that contain an uploaded file.
Send Comment:
180 days ago
Hello and good morning, Jotform team:
My colleague and I (etnuvo design co.) are in the process of designing a website for a client (Everest Home Inspections) using Squarespace, and we were excited to integrate JotForms into the site. Our client is running a low-traffic website and wanted to utilize the forms for a test estimate tool and a scheduling form for home inspection appointments.
While testing, we accidentally exceeded the free account's quota. Would it be possible to reset the form quota on the client's account, so we can continue testing and publish the site?
Our client is interested in testing the service before committing, as the monthly fee for Jotform is higher compared to some of the other free or low-cost extensions, such as those offered by ElfSight or Squarespace.
Here is the link to the client's site: If you click on "Schedule," you'll see the form is currently displaying a "Form over quota" message and is no longer functioning:
"Form over quota. This form has exceeded its allocated quota."
Thank you very much for your time and assistance! We greatly appreciate your help.
— Collin
191 days ago
Our Jotform has ceased working. Message is This form has exceeded its allocated
quote. In the past we would only received approx 20 donations per month.
We are a not for profit garden run by volunteers so all donations are important.
Michele Mayne
Treasurer VSRG
194 days ago
Please re-activate our forms. we have cleared up space
348 days ago
I have failed to upload my job application documents on the link which was provided, I only see this notification "Form over quota"
More than a year ago
I'm getting a 404 error code where customers attach a photo of what they are ordering. why can't I see the photo?
I'm not getting the photos customers attached with their form