How to Send Files in Jotform Tables

February 22, 2024

With the functions of Action Buttons, you can send your form’s file uploads and PDF copies of the submissions to file storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive right from Jotform Tables. This process will help you get your files or attachments to sync through available cloud accounts whenever you need them.

To begin, open your Jotform Tables and do the following:

  1. Click the Add button at the end of Jotform Tables.
Add column button in Jotform Tables
  1. Under the Buttons tab, select the Send Files option.
  2. Click the Next button to proceed.
Send Files option in Action Buttons when adding a new Jotform Tables column
  1. Give this new column a name, and click the Next button.
Enter column name box when adding new column in Jotform Tables
  1. Select Dropbox from the list of apps as an example.
Cloud Services in Send Files option when adding Action Button column

With this feature, you can select the following 3rd party apps and services:

  1. Click the Authenticate button if you haven’t connected your Dropbox account yet.
Authenticate button in Dropbox when adding action button in Jotform Tables

If you’ve already connected your Dropbox account, select it from the account selector and click the Add Action button.

Add Action button in Dropbox when adding action button in Jotform Tables
  1. Set up your Dropbox folders accordingly, and click the Save button to finish the setup.
Dropbox folder settings when adding Send File column in Jotform Tables
  1. At this step, you can finally add the Action Button by clicking the Create Column button. Click the Add New Integration button to connect to another cloud app.
Create Column button when adding Send File column in Jotform Tables

After the successful integration, you will see the newly created column with the buttons. The column will contain the following properties:

  • Send Files — The main feature of the Action Button. Click this to send the files/PDFs to the selected cloud service.
  • Timestamp — The time and date you initiated the action.
  • Resend — If there are changes to the data, you can sync it by resending.
Send Files buttons in Jotform's Action Buttons column
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