How to Request Electronic Signatures With Jotform Workflows

October 22, 2024

With Jotform Workflows fully integrating Jotform Sign through the Sign Document element, requesting and collecting legally binding signatures can now be part of your approval processes. You can set up your workflow to send documents for signature either after a request is submitted, based on the outcome of the request, or before you end the workflow. The signing process must be completed for the workflow to continue, and you can set different paths based on the outcome of the signed document.

Adding Sign Document Element

Follow these steps to add the Sign Document element to your workflow:

  1. In Workflow Builder, click on Add Elements on the left side of the screen to open the Workflow Elements menu.
  2. Under the Basic tab, drag and drop or click on the Sign Document element to add it to your workflow canvas.
Basic Sign Document element of the Jotform Workflows
  1. Next, draw a flow line to and from the Sign Document element to connect it to other elements. See How to Add and Connect Elements in Jotform Workflows to learn more.
Sign Document element connectors in Jotform Workflows

Setting Up Sign Document Element

Follow these steps to start setting up the Sign Document element in your workflow:

  1. In Workflow Builder, click on the Add Document button on the Sign Document element in your canvas.
Add Document button of the Sign Document element in the Jotform Workflows
  1. In the Sign Document Properties window, select a document from your account, then assign signer roles by providing their name and email address. This enables the Save button; click on it once you’re done.
Sign Documents Properties window of the Sign Document element in Jotform Workflows

Here’s a summary of what each Sign Document element setting is for and how you can set them up:

  • Select Document — This is where you select the Sign Document you want signed in the approval process. It’s a dropdown menu listing all available Sign Documents in your account. Click on the dropdown to scroll through and choose the one you want to use for the Sign Document element. You can also use the search bar in the dropdown to find a specific Sign Document by name.
  • Signing Order — This option appears when you select a Sign Document requiring two or more signers; toggle it on to send the document to one signer after another. The Drag Handle icon will appear to the left of each signer listed under Manage Signers, allowing you to click, hold, and move rows to arrange the order of signers.
  • Manage Signers — This section lists all the signers required to complete your selected Sign Document. You can enter the name and email address of your signers manually, or click on the Link icon in the signer fields to choose and use a valid name and email field from a form that’s part of your workflow. The Key icon to the right of the signer fields lets you establish an access code for your Sign Document that signers need to provide to review and sign it. You can use the Message icon beside it to include a custom message in the email that will be sent to your signers.

Selecting a Sign Document Outcome

You can set your approval flow on different paths based on the result of the Sign Document. Select an outcome when you connect a Sign Document element to another element in your workflow using a flow line.

Outcomes of the Sign Document element in Jotform Workflows

You can choose from three possible outcomes of the Sign Document process, and here is what each outcome means for setting the appropriate path in your workflow:

  • Signed — All signers have completed the sign request.
  • Declined — At least one signer declined the sign request.
  • Canceled — You, the document owner, canceled the sign request.

Updating Sign Document Element Properties and Outcome

You can click on the Gear icon on the right of a Sign Document element to open the Sign Document Properties window, or double-click on the Sign Document name on the element to open it again once it’s set up.

Selected Document Title and Settings button of the Sign Document element in Jotform Workflows

To change a selected outcome, you can either click on it or the Select button to its right that shows when you click on the flow line.

Selected Outcome of the Sign Document element in Jotform Workflows

Tracking Sign Document Submissions

You can open the Sign Document included in your workflow in Sign Inbox to view sign request status and submissions. You can also access it through the Jotform Inbox. Additional detailed instructions are available in the following user guides:

Jotform Workflows
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