All You Want to Know About Jotform Government

July 22, 2024

Discover how Jotform Government helps state and local governments, public education institutions, and special districts meet additional security requirements and assist with audits through advanced infrastructural and security add-ons. Our robust API, platform, and data integration services streamline compliance, ensuring a secure and efficient environment.

Here is an overview of our key architectural features, core principles, and how they enhance our security:

Jotform Government is enrolled in the StateRAMP Progressing Snapshot Program with the goal of achieving StateRAMP Authorized status, providing:

  • Compliance with security controls based on NIST 800 SP 53 Revision 5
  • Exceptional isolation from other systems and personnel for enhanced access control and management
  • Robust processes and practices for introducing, testing, approving and deploying system configuration changes
  • Automated tools for system and infrastructure management to achieve consistency 
  • Compliance with CIS Benchmarks and DISA STIGs


  • Monthly vulnerability scanning is conducted on each customer-facing server, followed by a remediation report and a risk management meeting to prioritize fixes and patches based on the likelihood and impact of underlying issues.
  • The servers operate on Ubuntu Pro operating system with FIPS mode encryption, including Ubuntu Expanded Security Maintenance for system packages.
  • System maintenance is exclusively performed by authorized US Citizen personnel following an approved change control ticket, with access strictly limited to authorized personnel and no data access permitted without explicit customer permission.

See the details of how we help our users comply with HIPAA from our HIPAA Compliance Guide.

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Our customer support team is available 24/7 and our average response time is between one to two hours.
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