Adding Facebook Like Button to a Form

June 13, 2024

If you have a Facebook page, your form users could like the page within the form. To do that, you have to add a Facebook Like Button. In the Form Builder, you can add a Facebook Like Button in various methods outlined below.

Youtube Embed Poster: uGHfSC4vvQE

Facebook Like Box Widget

The Facebook Like Box widget is the simplest method. All you have to do is to follow the steps below.

  1. In the form builder, click the Add Form Elements button.
  2. Go to the Widgets tab.
  3. Search for Facebook Like Box.
  4. Click or drag/drop the widget to your form.
  5. In the Widget Settings, add your Facebook page URL.
  6. Click the Update Widget button, and that’s it.

Paragraph Element

If you want to display the like button without the page header, using the Paragraph element would be the best option. Please follow the steps below to set this up.

  1. Go to Facebook Like Button Configurator.
  2. Scroll down to the configurator and enter your Page URL. You can set up the other options, but it’s recommended to keep the default.
  3. Click the Get Code button.
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  1. Select the iFrame option, and copy the iFrame codes.
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The iframe option may ask you to select an App ID. If you have don’t have a Facebook App yet, you may be required to create one. Please follow this link to create a Facebook App.

  1. In the Form Builder, add the Paragraph element.
  2. Click the Edit Text within the Paragraph element. Alternatively, you can also double-click the element to edit its content.
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  1. Open the Source Code editor by clicking the Source Code icon.
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  1. Paste the iFrame Codes, and click the OK button.
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  1. You should now see the Facebook Like Box. Click the Save icon within the Paragraph element, and that’s it.
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