How to Capture the Submission Source Page or Form

April 18, 2024

If your form is embedded onto multiple web pages, you can use a hidden field to monitor where the entries are coming from. This can help you understand which pages are driving more engagement which can be useful for marketing and data analysis.


This guide shows how to mark submissions from an embedded form by prepopulating a hidden field. For the widget method, see Capturing the Page URL.

To monitor the submissions’ source

  1. In the Form Builder, add a Short Text element to your form. Label your field with something descriptive (e.g., source).
  2. Open the Short Text’s properties.
  3. In the properties panel, go to Advanced at the top.
  4. Turn on Hide field.
  5. Open Field Details and copy the Short Text’s unique name.
Steps to hide the field and get the unique name in Jotform

To prepopulate your hidden Short Text, use its unique name and desired value as a query string to the embed code or parent window URL.

For example, the form’s JavaScript embed would look similar to the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Or as follows for the iframe embed code:

title="Form "
allow="geolocation; microphone; camera"
// the rest of the code...

For Feedback and Lightbox embed codes or when adding the query string to the embed code’s SRC attribute doesn’t work, you can add the query string to the parent window’s URL:

To learn more, see Prepopulating Fields to Your Jotform via URL Parameters.

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