How to Prepopulate Lightbox and Feedback Forms Using Parameters

April 18, 2024

Prepopulating fields can save users time by automatically filling in information that you already know about them. This can make the form-filling process more efficient and user-friendly. Like all embedded Jotform forms, you can prepopulate a Lightbox or Feedback form’s fields by adding the query parameters to the parent window URL.

For example[first]=Jane&name[last]=Doe&,Health,Sports

You can also prepopulate the fields by inserting iframeParameters inside the embed code’s JotformFeedback. In this demo form, the iframeParameters section in the Lightbox embed code below prepopulates the Name, Email, and Interests fields:

<script src ="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var JFL_223072173120441 = new JotformFeedback({
        iframeParameters: {
            name: {
        formId: '223072173120441',
        base: '',
        windowTitle: 'Signup Form',
        background: '#FFA500',
        fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
        type: '0',
        height: 500,
        width: 700,
        openOnLoad: true

The parameters are in key-value pairs where “key” is the field’s unique name and “value” is what to prepopulate the field with.

See also: Prepopulating Fields to Your Jotform via URL Parameters

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