How to Set Unique Submissions on a Form

March 24, 2023

Your form accepts multiple submissions by default. If you want to prevent your responders from making multiple submissions in your form, the Unique Submission will be helpful.

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This Unique Submission feature in the form builder has three options:

  • No Check — This option means the form will not check for duplicate submissions.
  • Check Cookies Only — This option is also called Loose Check. When you choose this option, the form will check whether the submission came from the same browser. It uses cookies stored in the user’s browser’s storage to verify duplicate submissions.
  • Check Cookies and IP — This is also called Strict Check, which means the form checks whether the submission came from the same browser and IP Address.

If you select Strict Check, people in the same network (in the same school, college, university, or institution) will not be able to make submissions, as the IP address for the network would be the same. If you consider the target audience as students in the same school, you should choose Loose Check.

Setting up the Unique Submission in the form is very straightforward. Here are the steps:

  1. In the Form Builder, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Show More Options button.
  1. You’ll have to scroll down and find the Unique Submission option.
  2. Select your preferred option from the dropdown, and that’s it! The form builder automatically saves the changes.

Do you want to set a limit based on an answer from a specific field? That’s possible with the Unique Question feature. For more information, see: How to set Form Limits Based on a Unique Field.

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