How to Import Your Forms From Typeform to Jotform

March 26, 2024

If you want to migrate your forms from Typeform to Jotform, this article will show you how. There are two ways to import your forms from Typeform.

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Typeform Migrator Page

The Typeform Migrator Page is the quickest and easiest way to import your Typeform forms to Jotform.

  1. Go to the Import Typeform page.
  2. Enter the URL of your Public Typeform form.
  3. Click the Migrate Your Forms to Jotform button.
Typeform Migrator page with the migration form
  1. The page automatically redirects you to the Form Builder with the imported form.


The Form Builder will automatically determine the layout of the form. In most cases, it will be Card Form.

Import Typeform in My Forms Page

You can also import your Typeform form through the My Forms page. It’s closely similar to importing custom HTML forms. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the My Forms page.
  2. Click the Create Form button.
Create form button in Jotform's My Forms page
  1. Select the Import Form option.
Import Form option in Jotform's Create form dialog
  1. Click the From a web page option.
  2. Paste the Typeform URL.
  3. Click the Create Form button.
Import page option in Jotform's Import Form dialog with the Enter URL box and Create Form button
  1. That’s it! Afterward, you’ll be redirected to the Form Builder, where you can start working on your newly imported form.


This method does not work if your Typeform form is private. It will also import your Typeform form but not its conditional logic.

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