How to Set up and Manage Subscriptions With Square Integration

June 17, 2024

With Square payment gateway, you can set up subscription payments in your Jotform form, view recurring payments through Jotform, and manage them anytime through your Square subscription page.

Setting up Subscription with Square Gateway

Create a new or edit an existing form and set up Square by following the steps below.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Search for and click Square from the list.
Square payment gateway in the Payments tab of the Jotform Form Builder
  1. Connect your Square account and set up the settings accordingly. The most important in the settings are the Payment Type and Customer Email. In the Payment Type, select Sell Subscriptions. Select your form’s email element as the Customer Email.
How to Set up and Manage Subscriptions With Square Integration Image-1


You can see multiple alternative payment methods with Square, but they don’t support subscriptions yet, so you’ll have Credit Card as the only available payment option.

  1. Click the Continue button to add and configure your subscription items based on Step #7 of this guide: How to Set up a Recurring Payment Option.
Subscription Item Settings in Square payment gateway with Jotform

Viewing Subscription Payments in Jotform

Aside from the notification email that your form sends on each transaction, you can also view your subscription payments through Jotform Tables or Inbox. Here’s an example:

Subscription Payment in Jotform Tables

On each payment, you’ll see the payee’s details, including the Transaction ID.

Managing Subscriptions Through Square

If you wish to manage the subscriptions further, such as changing your customer’s payment method or email address or canceling or pausing the subscription, you could do it through the Subscription page of your Square dashboard. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard.
  2. Click the Payments options under the All Products section.
  3. Select Subscriptions to open your Square Subscriptions page.
Payments menu in Square dashboard
  1. Click the payee’s name from the Customer’s column to manage their subscription.
  2. Click the Pause button to pause their subscription, or click the three-dotted menu icon to cancel their subscription or update their card on file.
Manage subscription in Square subscriptions page

At the bottom of the customer’s subscription panel, you can see their current Payment Method and Activity, which shows their payments.

Payment method and activity section of a square subscription payment

See also: Square – Get started with Square Subscriptions in Dashboard.

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