How to Set a Required Field

March 26, 2024

When you add new fields to your form, the fields are optional by default. Meaning your users can submit the form without answering those fields. If you want the field to be required, you will need to set the field as required.

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Require or Unrequire Fields through Element Properties

  1. Select the element in the Form Builder.
  2. Click the Settings (gear) icon.
  3. Under the General tab, toggle Required to “On” to make the field mandatory.

If you have required fields that you wish to be optional, do the same steps above but toggle Required to “Off”.

Require or Unrequire Fields from the Context Menu

  1. Right-click on the element.
  2. Select Require or Unrequire.

Require or Unrequire Multiple Fields at Once

If you are planning to require or unrequire multiple fields at once, you can do so with these simple steps:

  1. Select the elements with ctrl+click.
  2. Click the Require or Unrequire button at the top.
How to Set a Required Field Image-1

For more information, see “How to Manage Multiple Fields”.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please let us know in the comments below. You can also reach us by creating a support ticket.

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